5 posts
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transfering variable from previous frame-using VBScript [3]
correction- the COG_X\\Y gives N\\A ( not a 0).. (is their any way to change a post ?)
16 year 3 2051
transfering variable from previous frame-using VBScript [2]
hi i have built a pan-tilt webcam using BrainStem controller. when the program run the COG_X\\Y is f...
16 year 3 2051
connection between Serial Comm & VBScript [2]
Hi i'm using BrainStem controller and trying to build a pan-tilt webCam. how can i d...
16 year 1 2041
socket console printing : "test" [4]
STeven i refer to Extensions\\CSharp program... run()  function  line 313
16 year 4 1987
socket console printing : "test" [2]
hi i have run the C# socket code and the returning value(that printed on console) is :
16 year 4 1987

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