State Machine
fabrice2006 from France  [2 posts]
11 year
Hello Steven, thanks for the great module "State Machine". But it seem little buggy , values ​​of fields and tabs sometimes confuse themselves.
For example values of tab 2 go to tab 1 , and field loose value....

Another thing, is it possible to have more state in the future(Currently there are maximum of 10 states)

Best Regards.


Anonymous 11 year

Thanks! Can you confirm what version you have? I've spent a couple minutes with it and it appears the function as expected. If you have not already, try upgrading (Options button->Download) and see if that helps.

To be honest we created that module as an internal help for us (or me) when pressed for time and were not sure if anyone would really want to use it. So its an inital stab at the problem but by no means complete. If you indeed find it useful we can upgrade it a bit to add as many states as you need and a couple more convenience functions that will make things a bit easier (i.e. create new step based on this one, merge steps, spread condition to all states, etc.).

What are you using it for?

fabrice2006 from France  [2 posts] 11 year
Hello Steven, Thanks for your quick response.
I use the last version: 2.46.16
Here's a copy screen of bug and a sample of the program.
I m very intersesting in finite state machine to control robot, i think it's a good approach for control a robot with several sensors (ie: roomba sensor, IR_Byte IR signal  for  docking the robot ,Red Buoy and Green Buoy).
My objective is to docking roomba 500 with a finite state machine and IR_sensor and may be with use of fiducial.
I will appreciate if you improve the module "finite state machine", it's difficult to found a simple finite state machine with vb6.

Best regards



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