Displaying the RGB of an image with RoboRealm
Maveric from Australia  [2 posts]
13 year
Hello all,

I am a RoboRealm newbie and here is my problem: I want to use RoboRealm to capture the image from a webcam (or any other digital camera connected to my PC), but instead of RoboRealm showing me the image, I want it to just show me the average RGB values (in the form R=...., G=...., B=....) of the image. Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance
Anonymous 13 year
Sure, see attached robofile. Uses the Color_Statistics module to determine average RGB values for the current image.

Note that once information is accessible as a variable you can get access to that value using many different interface capabilities. The most common is using the API but you can see a full list at



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