Help using Wireless camera Jafni from Malaysia [29 posts] |
16 year
I would like to know how can i view my D-Link DCS 2120 through roborealm. I can view at web site using the IP address. I had tried adding DLink_Internet_Camera but it still cannot detect my DCS 2120.Can anyone help me solve this problems. I really need help.
Jafni from Malaysia [29 posts] |
16 year
For now on I had my camera DLink DCS 2120 available over the internet, their ip address I hope you can help me...
Anonymous |
16 year
We don't seem to be able to access that IP address right now. We will try again later but it also appears that you have provided a local network IP address as it is very unlikely that any internet available address starts with 10 as most local networks use that base.
Jafni from Malaysia [29 posts] |
16 year
The IP address that i gave before have been assigned by my Institute server. For info, i am doing my final project, so i'm using my institute network and the IP have been assigned by my institute server. I dont have any open connection right now and can only depends on my institute network only. Hope you could help solving my problems. Your kindness i appreciate very much. Tq
Anonymous |
16 year
Yes, that is what we had expected but unfortunately that IP address is not known outside of your institute and therefore we cannot access it. Unless we can gain access to that camera we cannot create a full speed video extraction method.
In case you are unable to make your camera available you might try using the snapshot mode and the HTTP_Read module. See the included robofile below which points back to the DLink demo of the 2120 but uses the snapshot mode which will be slower than the actual video ... but is better than nothing.
You would simply have to change the IP in the url but keep the same folder/name as it is most likely the same in your camera.
Jafni from Malaysia [29 posts] |
16 year
Thanks a lot.. I really appreciated.. Thank you very much..