31 posts
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using a counter for setvariable [3]
I shall try to use SetTimedVariable and follow ...
11 year 2 1710
using a counter for setvariable [2]
I would like to SetVariable "left_motor" and "right_motor" until e.g. the robot moves 3m forward and then turns right then f...
11 year 2 1710
read the datetime [3]
Please ignore this question. I am just thinking about an easy way to control the timing of actions....
11 year 2 1757
read the datetime [2]
Is it possible to read the date and time as a variable value? Thank you very much. ...
11 year 2 1757
keyboard driving irobot create [3]
Just found that the robofile is available here: http:/...
11 year 2 1790
keyboard driving irobot create [2]
The keyboard driving robofile for Roomba does not work with Create. Can someone provide a Create version? Thank you very much....
11 year 2 1790
RoboRealm for TurtleBot [2]
This is a tip for those who want to use RoboRealm to control TurtleBot. The power supply for Kinect is secured by a code kinect_...
11 year 1 1893
WindowsXP [3]
Why don't you just try the free version to see if it works? ...
11 year 4 1932
my robofile is hidden [2]
I can open my robofile from RoboRealm, but when I go to the Example folder I cannot see it. Please help.
11 year 3 1976
Set Display_Image and Play_Wav as variables [5]
2.50.3 - Updated Wav Player module to accept [my_variable] expression so variables can be used to specify filenames.
11 year 4 2018
Set Display_Image and Play_Wav as variables [4]
OK. Steve teaches me that one way to do so is to use a few IF-Statement modules to enclose the Load Image and Display Image modu...
11 year 4 2018
Set Display_Image and Play_Wav as variables [2]
Is it possible to set Display_Image and Play_Wav as variables that can be controlled by VBScript ? For example, when the robot s...
11 year 4 2018
Set Display_Image and Play_Wav as variables [3]
How can I load multiple images and display one of them as controlled by vbscript? The documentation is unclear. Can anyone help ...
11 year 4 2018
Encourage users to answer questions [2]
Steven should think of a way to encourage users to answer the questions by other users ;-) ...
11 year 2 2171
when robofile is reopened... [2]
I saved my work as a robofile. When I reopen it, it loads the wrong files. I have renamed the orig...
11 year 2 2231
Hip Fracture Detection using x-ray images [3]
Obviously, we need to compare an injured bone with a normal bone in order to know what is a fracture.
11 year 3 2276
SetTimedVariable [3]
Please try the following code: select case GetVariable("state") &nb...
11 year 3 2393
System requirements for roborealm [3]
The website mentioned minimum requirement: http://w...
11 year 2 2671
Object Recognition - Any Idea
I am looking for a method to distinguish a toy baby as shown in the attached image. Cannot use color since it is the same as hum...
11 year 3 2691
Object Recognition - Any Idea [2]
To write it more clearly, I mean I want to distinguish this toy child from ANY background (e.g. a person brings it around and th...
11 year 3 2691

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