1530 posts
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saving versus opening [2]
Roland, In v.2.56.9 both of these interfaces have been consolidated to show both image files and ro...
11 year 2 1698
Distribution Client check if connected? [2]
11 year 2 1698
Webcam Recommendations? [2]
60fps will pretty much reduce you down to a couple webcams ... most will already do deinterlaced esp. webcams. If you get into d...
10 year 2 1702
Water Motion [2]
Billy, Do you have an image of the faucet on and/or off? We'd need two images in order to understa...
10 year 2 1703
Regarding Color Identification [2]
Its best to post some example images so we can better understand the context of what you are asking for. I would recommend revie...
8 year 2 1704
Higher FPS [2]
Roland, Typically when we need something to process at a much faster rate a module will run indepen...
3 year 2 1705
Virtually remove fiducial from image [2]
What is going wrong with the attempt to cover it with an image? Would something like the attached work?
10 year 2 1706
reloading file [2]
Roland, You'll not get a stack overflow loading a file that is running. When a load request is rec...
11 year 2 1708
RR-RPi [2]
RR doesn't run on the Raspberry PI (different chipset) but it can interact with it remotely. For example, you can run an image ...
10 year 2 1708
FPS drops with multiple cameras housed within if tests modules [2]
Vince, While the IF statements will prevent an image from being used, it doesn't prevent the separ...
10 year 2 1708
do i have to put codes ...? [2]
Sam, I assume by cods you mean codes which you actually mean a form of programming languge? If that...
11 year 2 1709
Depth sensor to RR [3]
Pool photo attached.
9 year 3 1709
Depth sensor to RR [2]
While there are modules for the Kinect and senz3D devices (not to mention just using an IR or Sonar sensor on an Arduino) I don'...
9 year 3 1709
Image flicker using OpenNI Kinect camera [2]
Thomas, I assume you are seeing this flickering also in the RGB image? Note that you will get some ...
10 year 2 1710
Bug in call module [2]
Just for completeness, this has been corrected. STeven....
11 year 3 1710
Low Frame Rate on Playstation Eye [2]
John, There are many reasons for this. First, be sure that you are NOT running anything in the pipe...
10 year 2 1712
Trial period expired [2]
Ping, We just updated the download with a solution to this problem. Can you download it once again,...
10 year 2 1714
Tracking [4]
And the example image you can use to see this effect ... again, its not quite to spec. STeven.
11 year 4 1714
Tracking [3]
Anthony, The best way to do this is to eliminate one or the other target based on aspect ratio. We ...
11 year 4 1714
human skin colour detection and tracking [3]
Rakesh, That's a hard question to answer since it is too vague. You can find a lot of online resou...
11 year 2 1714

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