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Vb script to determine ball in region [2]
James, A couple of If_Statements checking the COG of the object should do it. Note, the specific qu... |
8 year | 2 | 2486 |
RoboRealm Crash [2]
Works fine for us. It might be some particularity with your camera. Did you submit a crash report when restarting RR? We don't s... |
7 year | 7 | 2254 |
3 camera output on single screen [2]
Amardeep, There are several ways to accomplish this. The easiest is to use the Mosaic module which ... |
3 year | 3 | 1983 |
How to rotate compass image? [3]
Petr, You can type in something like [rotation] | 12 year | 2 | 3346 |
Script and image Count [3]
Yes, there is a maximum, it will be a signed 32 bit number or 2,147,483,647. If that is exceeded the number will probably jump n... |
11 year | 3 | 2190 |
Display Line [5]
Try the attached. STeven. ... |
11 year | 6 | 3532 |
Face detection [3]
There have been some studies done on profile detection ... but the techniques used for face detection require a large number of ... |
11 year | 7 | 3437 |
Tracking an object and get it's coordinates [2]
Hi, Perhaps you can explain the context of your project a bit more. There are many ways to track an... |
10 year | 2 | 2138 |
Recognition Barcode and OCR only works if run roborealm as Administrator [2]
Lev, Can I assume: 1. You run RR using right click "Run As Administrat... |
10 year | 3 | 2321 |
Image Compare [2]
Bob, Yea, the image matching is really built for general comparisons .. completely NOT what you are... |
9 year | 2 | 2832 |
RoboRealm on Raspberry Pi! [2]
Arif, Thanks for the post!! Yes, we've run some basic experiments on the PI in terms of just image ... |
8 year | 7 | 3686 |
Getting a boolean variable for target identification [3]
Toyalima, It partly depends on how you are detecting the target and what variables would get set or... |
12 year | 2 | 1974 |
Fiducial Questions [9]
Rud, We see your images, but could you also post the raw images without any green outlining? The t... |
11 year | 9 | 2999 |
Crashing [4]
Robert, Go ahead and download the most recent version which should take care of the camera error. <... |
11 year | 6 | 1943 |
serial syntax [2]
Roland, The "SS<cr>" is just a dummy example of something that you would want to send to a ... |
11 year | 3 | 1939 |
Capturing probe pins positions on VB6 application [2]
Min, Something like the attached? You will need to test this on MANY more images. 11 year |
2 |
2833 |
Virtual camera shows only Roborealm logo [8]
Jeremy, Now I'm a bit confused ... is that screenshot from the version you are using? | 9 year | 12 | 2669 |
Image Matching [2]
Bob, Just for completeness ... or in case you are using this for a different function than image co... |
9 year | 2 | 1856 |
Run without GUI [5]
Its possible that something on your machine (perhaps a virus protection system) is preventing the keystrokes from getting to the... |
8 year | 6 | 2369 |
RoboRealm Crash [4]
Azim, Can you try sending them again? It appears they did not make it through. You may want to chec... |
7 year | 7 | 2254 |
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