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How to use minoru? [6]
Can you press the Save button and type in something.jpg and post that image here? I need the raw images and its very important t... |
9 year | 12 | 3596 |
REgarding camera resoltuion [2]
Hemant, You don't have any couple choices until you can move the camera backwards to get more in th... |
8 year | 2 | 1816 |
VB Script [4]
VBscript is a bit different than JScript where the single quotes are NOT understood. Use double quotes to indicate a string as i... |
8 year | 4 | 2257 |
Objects coordinates after shape match on conveyor [2]
Alicja, In order to have the robot pick up the part you would need to calculate the real world posi... |
6 year | 2 | 2413 |
RR Webserver and Android [3]
Ulli, One thing you can try is to avoid using Java for FF or Chrome which support MJpeg streams nat... |
12 year | 2 | 2023 |
Reading an Image exif file [2]
It didn't ... but it does now. If you download the latest version and check Options->Application->Read EXIF checkbox and ... |
10 year | 5 | 3063 |
Buttons [2]
Roland, Thanks for the post ... this is something we've also been mulling around with. The idea of ... |
10 year | 3 | 2594 |
AVM Navigator [2]
The AVM module was a 3rd party module that we don't have any control over in terms of development. There are other modules that ... |
8 year | 3 | 2814 |
Load Module [2]
If you are saving the image from RR, why do you want to reload it back into the same application that just saved it? If you plan... |
8 year | 2 | 2071 |
Camera Bug [2]
Luke, are you using the DirectInput connection built into Windows or are you using the Genicam modu... |
6 year | 2 | 2660 |
Handshake on serial data [7]
John, There is now an WEBSERVER_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS variable (v2.47.15) that is set with the number ... |
12 year | 6 | 2637 |
Cannot start Roborealm [7]
Roland, Glad that worked out. Specifically you were probably missing the Visual C runtime libraries... |
11 year | 7 | 1986 |
car tracking number [2]
There isn't a specific "track car" module but instead that capability is made up from several modules. The reason is that eac... |
11 year | 2 | 3080 |
Barcode 128A [4]
Yea, there's the problem. The image quality is way to poor for recognition. You will need better focus than that on the bar cod... |
11 year | 7 | 3072 |
blob detection [2]
Something like the following? Note, 1 image doesn't do it .. the robofile below will work for this... |
10 year | 2 | 2795 |
Not a JPEG error when using read_HTTP module [9]
Latest version has the sending of arrays using the DefineArray command that you mention. Any idea on how to loop through an exis... |
10 year | 21 | 3480 |
People tracking in street within zones [2]
Guy, There isn't a robofile that would just do the job as each of these require different configura... |
10 year | 2 | 2727 |
Virtual camera shows only Roborealm logo [7]
John, The blue square indicates a permission problem with sending the image from RoboRealm to the V... |
9 year | 12 | 2628 |
How to use minoru? [8]
Ashira, Unfortunately that doesn't look like it is working. I can't tell if it is the reflections t... |
9 year | 12 | 3596 |
How to make this, please help [2]
Egido, Yes, this is possible ... but there are many ways to accomplish this. Do you have a real ima... |
8 year | 4 | 2600 |
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