1531 posts
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motor speed or tracking speed. [4]
Do you see the FPS number increase as seen in the lower status line in the main RR GUI? There is no...
11 year 15 3418
Trying to quantify weeds out of field crop [2]
Aman, The easiest way to do this is to convert the 3 groups into solid colors and then use somethin...
9 year 2 3418
motor speed or tracking speed. [12]
Sam, reviewing the manual I think there are a couple things you can do ... I suggest you become ve...
11 year 15 3418
motor speed or tracking speed. [10]
Sam, Can you start with a clean pipeline (press New) and then check the fps. It should be about wha...
11 year 15 3418
motor speed or tracking speed. [2]
You can try to increase the frequency that you signal the driver ... i.e. how quickly you change the pin values. As RR is based ...
11 year 15 3418
motor speed or tracking speed. [8]
Seems that you do need to increase the pulse frequency. Can you answer my previous question concerning the FPS? <...
11 year 15 3418
motor speed or tracking speed. [15]
Sam, "Does the camera has anything to do with the puls  signal?" - Yes, camera on, you ...
11 year 15 3418
Problems connecting to xbox 360 Kinect [2]
Vince, Getting rid of the MS kinect drivers in Win7 is quite difficult. Unless you need the raw IR ...
11 year 3 3414
hardware lab [2]
See the Serial module. You can also search the forum for other examples. ...
9 year 2 3412
Media_Reader missing functionality [2]
John, Unfortunately, most of the video codec stuff is in Windows. We've found that if the windows M...
10 year 9 3408
Media_Reader missing functionality [4]
John, Can you confirm that link? I don't see Dashboard Camera referenced or see anywhere to downloa...
10 year 9 3408
Media_Reader missing functionality [9]
Sorry, no, the folder is empty (most likely we don't have permission to anything in it). You could ...
10 year 9 3408
Media_Reader missing functionality [7]
I see the flash video but no option to download an avi ... STeven.
10 year 9 3408
Saving images [4]
Annika, Thanks for the images. I noticed 2 issues in the robofile: 1. ...
11 year 4 3393
Saving images [2]
Annika, Its hard to say what is going wrong without the python application that you are using to do...
11 year 4 3393
auto avi recording [3]
Syfy. See the attached. Its just a matter of setting a variable using the buttons and selecting tha...
12 year 2 3382
Speed Trap Application [6]
Steve, That's good! To get another area, use the Maker module (use som...
10 year 9 3372
Using the API server [9]
Danny, There should have been a Dim myListX() As Object
6 year 7 3372
Speed Trap Application [2]
Steve, Yes, this should be possible but your results will depend on what exactly you are monitoring...
10 year 9 3372
HTTP module, string variables, JSON parsing... [2]
Carl, You might be better of just doing that in JScript ... while the HTTP module can be used for t...
9 year 5 3372

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