1531 posts
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object recognition with Kinect [3]
1) Tough to say which method works best to analyze depth. Depends on what you want to do. Thresholding is a good way of removing...
11 year 2 3510
OCR database creation [2]
Thomas, You have it correct ... as we didn't really expect anyone to want to do this a couple point...
10 year 9 3508
OCR database creation [8]
Thomas, The image posted seems to work "out of the box" so to speak. Perhaps something got a little...
10 year 9 3508
OCR database creation [4]
Thomas, Most likely what is happening is the ocr_database file is getting created in Win7's Virtual...
10 year 9 3508
Defect Rubber [6]
Giuseppe, Unfortunately we don't have a solution for your images. There is some additional experime...
9 year 6 3499
Defect Rubber [2]
Giuseppe, First off it looks like the focus on those images is a bit off. You may want to tweak the...
9 year 6 3499
Face detect and greet (Fritz) [4]
It seems that your camera image is not very clear ... how does your face appear in the camera? It might not be easily visible by...
10 year 4 3482
border detection [3]
Madhav, See if the attached gets you any closer. If you still have problems, include both images th...
11 year 3 3482
Face detect and greet (Fritz) [2]
Ted, If you got that far (you see a green square around your face in the RR window) then that would...
10 year 4 3482
tenvis jpt3815w not working with motion detection [2]
David, (As answered offline but repeated here for everyone else) The movement module will set non-m...
11 year 3 3481
Serial Communication [2]
Just following up on this ... it should be resolved. The problem was caused by allowing \\0 to be included in a message as many ...
11 year 2 3475
Bug in OSC module makes it unusable [11]
Thanks, I think we found the issue to that one too. There was also a correction to the bundle size that can get incorrectly repo...
10 year 11 3474
Bug in OSC module makes it unusable [6]
Could you attach your robofile just for the OSC module? We'd like to see how that is configured as we don't seen anything obviou...
10 year 11 3474
Bug in OSC module makes it unusable [4]
Thanks for checking the new version. Glad its now working. If you look under the Variables section ...
10 year 11 3474
Bug in OSC module makes it unusable [9]
Patrick, Thanks, having the test case is what we needed. Turns out that there was a padding issue w...
10 year 11 3474
Bug in OSC module makes it unusable [2]
Yes, there was an issue with an empty array (such as that created by the OR module) would stop other variables from being sent c...
10 year 11 3474
Conect Microsoft Kinect to RoboRealm? [5]
It probably corrected a couple things after a reboot ... sometimes the drivers need that depending on what OS you are using.
11 year 5 3470
Conect Microsoft Kinect to RoboRealm? [2]
You probably have the Microsoft Kinect Drivers installed too. When that happens the libusb drivers no longer work. I'd try to r...
11 year 5 3470
lego rcx 1.0 ir tower [2]
Not sure, I assume you've tried and had it fail? The last time we dealt with the RCX (quite a whil...
11 year 2 3448
Face detection [6]
Images attached.
11 year 7 3436

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