1531 posts
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Roborealm not recognizing multiple Playstation Eye cameras [2]
I assume that you installed the code lab drivers? Note that you need the platform SDK driver in order to access two.
11 year 2 1864
Distributor Client and Server do not maintain connection [2]
We just checked both modules and they appear to be working as expected. What most likely is happening is some unknown variable t...
10 year 3 1865
Streaming Webcam to Roborealm [2]
J., 1. Yes, and no. As there are a couple ways to do this. If you remain in the RR ecosystem, that\...
11 year 6 1866
Streaming Webcam to Roborealm [5]
J. When you type that you end up with a MexFunction.mexw64 When you run the test.m file it is looki...
11 year 6 1866
repeating [2]
Roland, Whenever a SetTimedVariable function is called it will overwrite the previous timing. So if...
11 year 4 1866
repeating [4]
Roland, We reduced the size of the watch variables a bit to allow for more dense viewing but we are...
11 year 4 1866
Target Variable Meanings [3]
James, We'll look into that but before we do could you post the robofile that you are using and a ...
12 year 4 1867
REgarding camera resoltuion [2]
Hemant, You don't have any couple choices until you can move the camera backwards to get more in th...
9 year 2 1867
Not saving "source" image from C# [2]
Jake, This was our fault. We were using the wrong field name in the RR executable and thus never re...
9 year 3 1868
Missing hardware error when trying to run a Pololu Maestro over USB [3]
Thanks for letting us know ... we thought that the latest Maestro might have a different product ID than previous versions and w...
6 year 3 1869
Center of Gravity font install error [2]
Bob, Go ahead and download the latest version which has a fix for this and the newer vc2010 redistr...
9 year 2 1870
Tracck eye with arduino [3]
Sav, While we know about the CMUCam we've not worked with it directly. Unless you are sending back...
11 year 2 1872
Can Roborealm do this? [4]
Bill, Understood of the example scenario. Just making sure that's the case as we often get asked qu...
10 year 4 1873
Can Roborealm do this? [2]
Bill, This is certainly possible but I'm not sure why one would use vision for such an application....
10 year 4 1873
Gige Cameras [2]
We are currently investigating the costs associated with adding in the Gige standard as a module into RoboRealm. Unfortunately t...
11 year 2 1875
Object detection, recognition and counting on measurement basis [2]
Yes, most of what you are asking about is possible depending on which module is used. To answer your concerns more specifically ...
10 year 2 1876
RoboRealm 2.67.27 does not start any more [2]
Thanks, looks like yesterday's python fix caused the libs to be required. This has been resolved and uploaded. Should be ok now....
10 year 3 1877
Edge Detection for laser trimming [3]
Michael, You must be a cat person? Yes, something along those lines ca...
11 year 2 1878
Need help:  API response time fluctuates a lot [3]
Billy, This is one of the reasons that the Network Tables module was created ... to separate the wa...
12 year 3 1881
second tab issues [2]
Thanks for the test file. This should be fixed in v2.56.9. STeven....
11 year 2 1882

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