1530 posts
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Trial period expired [2]
Ping, We just updated the download with a solution to this problem. Can you download it once again,...
10 year 2 1605
Cognex [2]
Monito, We're not sure about the Cognex cameras in terms of how they connect (we've never actuall...
10 year 2 1606
RoboRealm Lagging WIth Arduino [2]
Brandon, Couple things to try: 1. Remove the
11 year 4 1607
Can Roborealm do this? [2]
Bill, This is certainly possible but I'm not sure why one would use vision for such an application....
9 year 4 1607
RoboRealm Lagging WIth Arduino [4]
Couple things you will need to do/check: 1. What is the fps you are getting on RR running on your p...
11 year 4 1607
Can Roborealm do this? [4]
Bill, Understood of the example scenario. Just making sure that's the case as we often get asked qu...
9 year 4 1607
Webcam Recommendations? [2]
60fps will pretty much reduce you down to a couple webcams ... most will already do deinterlaced esp. webcams. If you get into d...
9 year 2 1609
DLL Plugin. Static image refresh. [2]
Dmitry, Thanks for pointing this out. The message was not making its way to the correct function. T...
8 year 7 1610
NetworkTables not connecting to Robot [4]
Mike, No problem, it just got updated last night. You'll have to download RR again to get that fix...
11 year 3 1610
DLL Plugin. Static image refresh. [7]
Dmitry, Thanks for mentioning that. It was a problem in the Draw.cpp file include with the SwapColo...
8 year 7 1610
DLL Plugin. Static image refresh. [4]
There is no change to that code. To update static image call UpdateImage();
8 year 7 1610
Distributor Client and Server do not maintain connection [2]
We just checked both modules and they appear to be working as expected. What most likely is happening is some unknown variable t...
9 year 3 1611
Center of Gravity font install error [2]
Bob, Go ahead and download the latest version which has a fix for this and the newer vc2010 redistr...
8 year 2 1612
Ollie by Orbotix [2]
CJ, Do you have an Ollie robot? While it is possible I've read that it supports bluetooth LE which ...
9 year 4 1613
You should be able to download the robofile at the bottom of ...
11 year 2 1613
WVC200 image not writing to RR... [3]
Jeff, Typically that means that it is accessing the camera and loading in frames but is unable to d...
11 year 2 1613
Ollie by Orbotix [4]
CJ, I do know that the earlier versions of Sphero would connect to a PC just fine (in fact we worke...
9 year 4 1613
Can RR run steper motor ? [2]
Sam, It might be possible but it will really depend on what hardware you have and how the communica...
11 year 2 1616
Versions [3]
Matt, I'm not sure this is the answer to your questions buy you can find the versions off from the...
11 year 3 1616
Bug in call module [2]
Just for completeness, this has been corrected. STeven....
10 year 3 1616

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