1530 posts
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Egg counting [2]
Turgut, While its not too difficult to count the eggs in a single image, on a moving conveyor that ...
7 year 2 2028
serial communoication [2]
Hi, You will not be able to user the serial module to grab that much information ... or at least no...
8 year 2 1547
Multiple camera Processing [2]
You can use the marker module or Camera Properties module to switch the image to another camera. In your case, this would break ...
9 year 2 2673
Plugin Samsung Galaxy SII / Tab [3]
Christophe, This should be possible. What app are you using to create the phone as an IP camera? "...
11 year 2 1738
writing order of X,Y coordnates in excel [2]
Robert, I think we understand the issue ... can you include a snippet of your robofile where you do...
10 year 2 4524
v 2.80.50 [2]
Frederick, Please have a look at ...
7 year 2 1622
VB script help needed [3]
Aman, I'm assuming that you are using a stationary camera NOT attached to the boom otherwise you a...
11 year 2 1809
how to increment/decrement a variable? [2]
Try varName = [varName+1] Expressions are contained within [ and ]
10 year 2 2619
the magic behind Fiducial [2]
There are many different ways to do that. If you are interested in the behinds the scenes way, take a look at the ARTookit
10 year 2 2693
Regarding Vcam [2]
You do this indirectly. First by getting the RTSP module to capture the right image. Once you see the image in the main RR GUI y...
6 year 2 1906
Axis Camera FPS [3]
Probably a bit late for this years finals, but we've added in 66ms delay for next year in the latest version.
11 year 2 2687
action_shot_scantron [3]
See if the attached meets your needs. Note, it assumes that the scantron is horizontally aligned as in your image. If not, see i...
11 year 2 2702
Where is the standard license version? [2]
Sorry, no, the personal version is no longer being distributed. The commercial version is the only available version.
6 year 2 1741
Obstacle Avoidance Laser System [3]
Cherault, Its easier if there is an image that can be used as an example. What you want to do is to...
11 year 2 2914
Hough Transform - Angles [2]
Thanks for your notes. There were a couple issues that we resolved with the latest version (just uploaded). Can you download tha...
10 year 2 2263
Move if-statements more easily. [2]
Spencer, Thanks for the note. We did find an issue when you drag the modules so I'll assume that w...
10 year 2 2508
Trying to quantify weeds out of field crop [2]
Aman, The easiest way to do this is to convert the 3 groups into solid colors and then use somethin...
8 year 2 3045
OCR, 1D and 2D codes [2]
Pat, The best way to verify this is to use the Trial version and the Barcode module. It has all the...
6 year 2 1974
VB script power NXT [2]
Max, I assume the VBscript is setting the robot motor values? The pro...
9 year 2 2469
3D Viewer [3]
Not sure about that particular camera. Many of the less expensive stereo cameras are not very well calibrated for stereo analysi...
11 year 2 2824

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