68 posts
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AVM [3]
Forgot to add, if an object goes out of view can the recognition box be stopped rather than carried over onto the out of range v...
12 year 8 2823
AVM [2]
Hi, Is it possible to just show the object name only rather than both the object name and highlight box..also can ...
12 year 8 2823
Detection of Circular Aluminum Disk on Grass [3]
Hi Chris. I am working on a similar usage unfortunately my shapes (boats) vari in angle and shape. H...
12 year 3 3584
AVM Navigator input sources [6]
AVM works OK with a usb cam no problem. As I mentioned just certain video feeds that are an issue.. ...
12 year 8 2449
AVM Navigator input sources [4]
Hi Steven, No, taken of the web,  this video source works with no problems with other mod...
12 year 8 2449
AVM Navigator input sources
Hi Steven, No, taken of the web,  this video source works with no problems with other mod...
12 year 8 2449
AVM Navigator input sources [2]
Hi, Just experimenting with AVM. Does AVM allow video inputs from the Read_HTTP , whe...
12 year 8 2449
AVM Navigator input sources [9]
Hi Steven, One problem solved, I reloaded AVM and works great.. Just t...
12 year 8 2449
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms [5]
Hi, Had a simlar problem sending data from RR on the serial lead to communicate with the PIC and then relised that...
12 year 14 3527
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms [9]
Hi Zachary Sorry I can not help as I am not familiar with either but I am sure there will be an ans...
12 year 14 3527
Read Http crash [4]
Hi Steven I was trying to take the stream off Image Salsa run on another computer on the Lan. I can...
12 year 3 1805
Read Http crash [2]
I am having problems on the Lan. I select Read Http and which is a mjpeg...
12 year 3 1805
AVI [2]
I am having a problem using the load avi or save avi modules. I get an error on read that says "Pl...
12 year 2 3141
Display data from Pic [7]
Steven thanks for the info, As most of my computation takes place on the Pic which basiacally does the following after being sup...
12 year 6 3403
Display data from Pic [5]
For got to mention that the tracking would be servo tracking trying to keep the sailing boat in mid screen
12 year 6 3403
Display data from Pic [4]
Steven thanks again for your response, Before I go down that path could you enlighten me if the fol...
12 year 6 3403
Display data from Pic [2]
Is it possible to display the data from the Pic. I can see the PIC data I have got it to send in t...
12 year 6 3403
use one of two cropped windows [3]
Should mention, the variables could be string or numeric which ever is easiest it is is even possible,
12 year 3 1941
use one of two cropped windows [2]
hi Steven, Is there a way to choose a cropped window from a choice of two...
12 year 3 1941
image recognistion with response [9]
Hi Steven, Ignore the size of object  in the last Post as I have seen and played with Blo...
12 year 9 2194

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