172 posts
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Object strobing [4]
The entire scene may have spots where the light intensity is higher or equal to the light reflected from the object being strobe...
13 year 9 3295
Object strobing [2]
If i strobe an object (at a fixed frequency) in a scene, can roborealm mask out the scene leaving only the area of the strobing ...
13 year 9 3295
Object strobing [10]
STeven Yes you are right. Surface reflection, texture and color pose major problems. I might be bet...
13 year 9 3295
Object strobing [9]
STeven, Yes and the fact that the robot (and the camera) is moving complicates things further (not ...
13 year 9 3295
Object strobing [7]
The purpose of strobing is to differentiate bright areas in the scene with continuous light and areas where the light is strobin...
13 year 9 3295
Object strobing [6]
Yes you are right. It is for obstacle avoidance. I am anticipating that the closer objects will appear brighter. Thanks...
13 year 9 3295
Blob isolation [4]
I managed to do it using VB script....
13 year 3 2210
Blob isolation [3]
I am currently setting a variable and using an if statement to check. The problem with this is that it is done after the blob fi...
13 year 3 2210
Blob isolation [2]
Is it possible to set the minimum blob size relative to its COG_X position. So as COG_X increases, the minimum acceptable blob s...
13 year 3 2210
GPU processing [2]
Does RR utilize the GPU co-processor (nvidia or AMD Fusion) or does the OS (windows) handle what is processed by the GPU?...
13 year 3 2130
GPU processing [4]
Steven, Thanks for your response. I was wondering why the FPS was around 8 or less and almost 1seco...
13 year 3 2130
crop feature [4]
Steven, Excellent. Thanks...
13 year 3 3323
crop feature [2]
Hi, Is there a way to put the cropped processed image on top of the original image (just the white ...
13 year 3 3323
Display text bug [2]
Hi, The display text does not show the text that i entered. Instead it shows "320*240".
13 year 2 3086
reading values after time lapse [4]
That's great thanks. I managed to use the SetTimedVariable feature to accomplish a similar effect....
13 year 3 3473
reading values after time lapse [2]
How do i read a variable (exp COG_X) value at Time = 1second ago and compare this with the current value (Time = current)
13 year 3 3473
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [10]
Does RR run on windows CE 6?...
13 year 15 6335
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [8]
I was thinking that it would be easier to create and test the required vision functions with RR and once done, use an interface ...
13 year 15 6335
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [16]
Hi, I would definitely be interested in an Android version :) ...
13 year 15 6335
camera CMUcam connect PC with usb DB9 [14]
XPe still needs x86. Only WinCE can run on ARM (Most tablets)....
13 year 15 6335

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