28 posts
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About API + C++ [7]
Example, if that camera detect "1.jpg", then static text will show "1.jpg" and if that camera detect "2.jpg", it will show...
16 year 9 3705
About API + C++ [10]
Thank's a lot... I think now I know how to make it.. For now on my project are 70% done.. Thank you very much.. ...
16 year 9 3705
how to connect roborealm to c++? [4]
I already open this webpage but I'm not really understand how to connect it. I want to know if I had to put some command...im b...
16 year 11 4210
how to connect roborealm to c++? [5]
For now on I can connect Roborealm with C++ using Sample_API_App. But I don't know how to convert from capture image to video d...
16 year 11 4210
how to connect roborealm to c++? [9]
Hello.. I want to ask you how to get file path name hBitmap using C++?? Actually I want to build the robot for my project. I'm ...
16 year 11 4210
Image detection [8]
I've added the image that you want, for time being I just use treshold, blob filter and shape matching. Please help me.....
16 year 9 3532

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