23 posts
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Circles [12]
Thanks for the update Steven.  We do plan to purchase a commercial license as soon as we get one of the two projects I...
16 year 11 4894
COG for large images [4]
STeven, Thanks for the update.  As I stated in another message, we're trying to resolve circle centers ...
16 year 3 3517
Circles [6]
Thanks STeven.  That seems to do the trick.  Happy new year!...
16 year 11 4894
Circles [7]
Although it's not an overflow issue, one issue I have had with high resolution pictures is that the DisplayText module doesn't...
16 year 11 4894
Scale with large images
Let's try that again......
14 year 4 3484
Scale with large images [2]
And again... ...
14 year 4 3484
Scale with large images [4]
Thanks STeven.  That fixed the image scaling but now annotations are not displaying correctly after scaling.
14 year 4 3484
Can't change camera resolution [4]
Steven, I've attached the dialog that shows the resolutions.  I'm not sure what you mean by "format"...
16 year 11 5092
Can't change camera resolution [5]
It appears it may be a problem with the driver.  I've loaded the directx filter in graphedit and when I right click o...
16 year 11 5092
Can't change camera resolution [11]
STeven, I've narrowed down the issue a little.  Here is the sequence i need to use to get it to work: ...
16 year 11 5092
Can't change camera resolution [6]
Steven, I have found a workaround using graphedit.  The trick seems to be that the graph needs to be dis...
16 year 11 5092
Can't change camera resolution [9]
STeven, I've attached the graph from GraphStudio.  The interesting thing about this graph is that when ...
16 year 11 5092
Circles [4]
STeven, Thanks for the update.  The center of gravity module is now calculating subpixel values about 50...
16 year 11 4894
Circles [10]
Steven, The circles module still doesn't appear to be able to recognized circles much above 200 pixels in radius....
16 year 11 4894
COG for large images
Trying to post the image again...
16 year 3 3517
COG for large images [2]
Trying to upload a gif instead of jpg jpg image is: 2720x2048 but only 156KB gif imag...
16 year 3 3517
Can't change camera resolution [2]
I'm using a bigcatch 5MP camera but am unable to get it to use a higher resolution than the lowest.  When I go to the...
16 year 11 5092
Circles [2]
The circles module doesn't appear to recognize circles with a radius larger than 100 pixels.  I'm trying to find the...
16 year 11 4894
COG for large images
The COG module doesn't seem to work for the attached, very large image and the Geometric Statistics module gives negative value...
16 year 3 3517
Font Size [2]
It would be great if the font size could be specified as a number.  When working at with large images > 2500px , th...
16 year 1 2101

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