5053 threads
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Adding Waypoints From Blob
I Have basicly Copied the Path finding tutorial, making a few small changes like cropping the image and filtering different colo...
16 year 2 3690
vision system
dear sir, i want to recognize corn plants in respect of its shape, size and height., and the program should send a signal to the...
12 year 2 3690
serial defaults
Hi STeven Looking at the serial screen, most of the fields are blank. What are these...
10 year 2 3689
Line Probe- How to use 2 Line probe to measure angle automatically
How can i use line probe to measure angle between 2 line? I had detected 2 lines and i wish to use it to calculate the angle aut...
14 year 2 3688
Shape Match Confidence
I am using shape matching, and have an image recognized at 90.8% confidence, and 105% size, using a filter size of 101 to 130%.&...
11 year 10 3681
Crazy Question
Thanks Guys for fixing me up. My question is: if you use the Vbasic script, the C script, the pytho...
14 year 3 3676
Serial Module skips/sends/returns wrong data
Greetings STeven! Thank you for this impressive software. I am trying to identify and sort various ...
10 year 4 3674
keyboard interface
Hi  Roborealm experts, I just tried the roborealm with my Lego NXT using the 'ke...
18 year 3 3671
Color filter using the color picker...tips?
I have this nice ring of glue that I would like to inspect for foreign material like the black speck at 3 O'clock on th...
18 year 5 3669
Error: InitCom()
I'd like to control my RCX. I hav Mindstorms 1.5, so I must use the COM1. I select "COM1" in the Select-Box. When I n...
17 year 5 3667
A question about the LAB_Channel module
Hello, I need to use the L, a and b values from the LAB_Channel module as inputs to an artificial n...
15 year 3 3666
To insert a module in the Pipeline
Hi to the users of this forum, I have a question to do, and I hope that someone has a solution.
11 year 5 3666
How to use minoru?
Hello STeven, I try to use a depth or disparity map from minoru 3d camera with the stereo module. ...
9 year 12 3663
Just a test for image transfer sizes
This is only a test. [image1]...
16 year 2 3660
can a servo can be controlled with a simple bluetooth dongle
i have a question and really need a answer... i will use a serial servo controller to a rc car.. can i use a simple blue...
17 year 3 3657
Hi all My first post here, and new on the program; I'm trying to figu...
11 year 4 3657
Feature Request - Path Planning Variable
Hi, I am using path planning for my robot. And i wanted to request a feature that will be of tremon...
15 year 4 3654
number plate extraction
HI Steven       i appretiate the way you helped out the people in solving th...
18 year 2 3652
Stereo Vision for localization
I plan to build an outdoor robot.  Want to use stereo vision for Localization using triangulation.   &n...
16 year 6 3651
Capturing images
Hi. I just got your program and was really impressed by it. Right now I use a combination of movement and medians and co...
18 year 7 3649

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