5053 threads
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Keyboard_Send to Another Application
I'm having problems getting Keyboard_send to send a character press to another application. my tes...
16 year 1 1813
First steps Image analyisis
Hi, I'm new to the world of vision software.  I want to examine pictures with the follo...
16 year 4 1813
Raspberry pi or linux
Hi, is there or will there be an release of RoboRealm for linux? I would like to use this on a rasp...
11 year 2 1814
Interfacing via VS-2012
Using Windows 7, with VS-2012. I have registered the DLL, via the command line as administrator and gotten a succ...
11 year 2 1814
Controlling RoboRealm through Java API
Hello, I'm doing a project on object recognition where the user will provide the image and based o...
11 year 5 1815
Number recognition
Hey everybody, I'm trying to get OCR to work but no luck so far. I w...
8 year 2 1815
Dagu Spider Controller
Hey Steve Is it possible to interface the Dagu Robot Controller to Roborealm?
12 year 1 1815
Help with fiducials
Hello, I am trying to detect fiducials but the only thing that shows are purple squares.
12 year 3 1815
blob within a circle
Hi, I am trying to detect if the circles are empty. Commonly there are blobs inside the circles, bu...
12 year 2 1816
RoboRealm and WI-FI camera
Whether connection of the IP camera to RoboRealm is possible? AXIS-207W, for example?...
17 year 2 1816
Serial method
My machine is running, but the robot halts quite often. It's relay-handshaking to my modules that serially connect to RR. I'm ...
11 year 1 1816
Counting bread
Hi all. I have been asked to count bread. Yep but before its cooked. Here is a link to the items passing under a lens
9 year 4 1816
DLL Plugin. Static image refresh.
At analysis an example SwapColor.dll (also /Plugins/DLL/RRModule.sln) faced with problem. My actions: 1) Upload a ...
9 year 7 1817
Can I use this camera with Roborealm?  LINKSYS WVC54GCA
Hey Guys, Can the LINKSYS WVC54GCA (http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Product_C2&childpa...
16 year 3 1817
Obstacle avoidance (help)
Hello Mr. Steven I have prepared a new robo file so that i can use it to do obstacle avoidance for my mini robot....
13 year 0 1818
How do I activate my license?
I have a license key from FIRST Robotics last year, but I don't know how to activate it. I had this...
9 year 3 1820
Hi, I am using the following code to get some values in mach3 cnc application ,but not getting the values and giv...
8 year 2 1820
Call Tab Module
Hi... I am new to RR and would like to do some Object Recognition with two USB cameras.  I have a program that has 4 T...
6 year 2 1820
Failed to render streams
Hello Steven, I have problem with my roborealm. it shows such error although there is no application...
8 year 2 1822
Multiple Code Laboratory Eye cameras not recognized in other modules.
I have two CL_eye modules running in the pipeline.  I am using the Code_Laboratories_Eye modules successfully for the ...
10 year 5 1823

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