5053 threads
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seems the images didn't get attached?  trying again......
18 year 0 3718
Timer Random
Hi, I would want to know if among the various modules of the pipeline there is a way for inserting a timer "rando...
11 year 8 3718
RoboRealm on Raspberry Pi!
Hi all, Just to share, I managed to run RoboRealm on the Raspberry Pi 3 using Exagear and Wine. <...
8 year 7 3718
ASUS Xtion
FYI - Some more hardware for RoboRealm to support. Asus is soon coming out with a Kinect like device with a C++, C# development...
14 year 2 3718
Locate brightest pixel
I'm trying to use roborealm to locate the brightest pixel. Does this feature already exist? Thanks!...
15 year 2 3715
Willing to pay for small program
Hello, The RR program seems perfect for what I want to do. I am short on time at the moment...
18 year 5 3712
SRV laser and pan tilt problem
Hi all I have some problems with my SVS1b surveyor robot. First,  i can't find a way to...
14 year 4 3709
GetBitmap function for C# or COM?
Hello, Could some kind C++/C# expert out there translate the GetBitmap function found in the COM AP...
16 year 3 3709
No Title
how to write a program communicate with the parallel port mapping and COG? that to control the parallel port output volt...
17 year 4 3706
Roborelm software servo controller
Hi, I just wanted to know how to use the SOR servo controller to make a servo move more than 8 turns. I am using the axon microc...
14 year 2 3706
Slow Spykee module
Hi, I have a problem I need help with. The idea is to read two values from the serial...
14 year 4 3703
datel retro wireless interface
trying to interface a datel retro wireless joystick with rr but nothing happens when i move the d-pad or press any of the button...
15 year 2 3703
DC_Launcher module new hardware version needed
DC_Launcher module does not reconize the new hardware version of Dream Cheeky USB Missile Launcher. Here is the usb info...
17 year 16 3702
About API + C++
For the time been, i have success to show live video at GUI through Roborealm and detect several unique pattern that i have alre...
16 year 9 3700
Need help touching up my code!
Ok well as stated in previous posts, I have modded a usb missile launcher into a airsoft turret. The objective of the code is to...
15 year 3 3698
Telnet localhost problem!!
Hi to everyone... We've been stucked at a very weird situation in roborealm. When we use your code and...
17 year 5 3697
Image Matching Crashes
It seems that whenever i try to run any of the matching algorithms, RoboRealm crashes.  Is there something tha...
17 year 6 3697
Smoothing Data
I'm sending COG_X and COG_BOX_SIZE serially to an arduino to run some motors. I'd like to have a VR script to smooth or do a r...
14 year 7 3697
New Foscam Camera Model Supported?
I am buying a Foscam camera to use with the Roborealm software.  Roborealm supports the Foscam model Fl8918W. &nb...
12 year 5 3696
Shape match and orientation... difficulties
Hi, I'm trying to find a triangle's location and orientation using shape match. I started...
13 year 10 3694

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