5053 threads
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Suggestion to FTP uploading.
Hi STeven! I think it would be a good idea (if it's not already there and I missed it), if wheneve...
16 year 1 2218
Suggestion 4-U
I think there is a new board out there that you would be wise to have support for. It is made in Canada and is called the EZ-B c...
13 year 1 1709
plss sugest me some simple applications so that i can start my venture in machine vision and learn the basics also.....
15 year 2 1703
subpixel calculation and write variables
in the write variable module, can Roborealm export pixel variables as subpixel values (decimal instead of integer)? For example ...
8 year 4 1855
sub-pixel alignment in 'noisy' lighting
This software is fantastic! Attached are two images.  One is the raw front image, and the...
10 year 6 3145
Student License
Is there any chance that there will be an Student license for roborealm for all young ppl who used this great software for learn...
15 year 3 2701
Structured Light Patterns?
I am building a 3d laser and white light scanner and was wanting to know if anyone can tell me how to get 3d structured light pa...
16 year 1 2337
stripped down version of RR
I am looking for a similar program with nice Windows GUI like RoboRealm, but I only need the Imaging filters/functions, i don't...
14 year 3 1746
String or variable concatenation
Is there any easy way to do string concatenation (add two strings), e.g. add a string and a value, for display? <...
9 year 2 2002
Streaming Webcam to Roborealm
Hi. I was wondering if it were possible to stream my webcam over a network using RR, and have that ...
11 year 6 1866
StrchX StrchY
Hallo! I have a problem with prospective modul. I need to change parameter in additional transforms...
14 year 2 3508
Hi, while using RR API of by any language like VC++ or java, i am getting following error-
17 year 2 1745
Strange findings, any suggestions what to look for.
  This may be a little off topic but being I found the problem using RR I thought I'd post it. ...
17 year 26 4710
Strange behavior of program running on NXT
Hey Steven I'm using RR and a NXT, sending commands and reading sensors over usb.  I hav...
16 year 6 1817
Strange Behavior of power operator (^) in Cscript
Hi again! I've noticed strange behavior with the power operator "^". From my intuition:
12 year 4 3360
Strange angles present for multiple objects
Hi STeven, We are having a bit of a hard time figuring out why the angle variables have gon...
17 year 6 2141
Straight Lines module behaviour
STeven, Still fiddling with RoboRealm, and getting inconsistent behaviour with the Straight Lines m...
15 year 2 1753
Stop video stream!!!
Hi, Is there a way in XML to stop the video stream to RR without turning off the camera?
17 year 4 1937
Stitching together 2 cameras
Every few months I come back to this, since I feel that stitching together multiple images would be a great way to increase fiel...
15 year 6 5050
Still Seemingly Having Problems With DC_Missile Module
I am still having the problem where my Dream Cheeky USB Missile Launcher is unable to be detected. The only real information is...
17 year 1 2031

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