5053 threads
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Strange behavior of program running on NXT
Hey Steven I'm using RR and a NXT, sending commands and reading sensors over usb.  I hav...
16 year 6 1795
GPS reader
Is it possible to overlay the track from the gps reader onto the main roborealm screen ,as I have a downward looking camera on a...
12 year 1 1795
Anyway of incorporating Roborealm in a system so no PC is needed?
I'm looking for a portable solution so I can use Roborealm modules directly without using a computer. Is that possible?
8 year 2 1795
Micro Maestro USB Servo Controller
I have a Micro Maestro 6 channel USB Servo Controller and added the Pololu module into my project but when I open the module is ...
8 year 4 1796
FRC unused licenses mess
I am the lead mentor for FRC team 272 Lansdale Catholic High School. As usual many folks jumped and we used up all our licenses....
8 year 2 1796
Hi I was wondering if anyone has dabbled with using machine vision to determine placing in sporting...
14 year 4 1797
Can RR run steper motor ?
Hi all, First of all I would like to thank all people who made this grate softwaer. My qoustin is :...
11 year 2 1798
installable versions
Hello I'm using Roborealm in 2 identical robotic cells in two very different locations, the second ...
9 year 2 1798
help me for(time and date)
hi.i have a problem with time,i want to have time and date as variable,i can show them on my screen but cant get them from robor...
14 year 1 1798
update roborealm
hello... i want to ask something important...i had purchase this roborealm software and also i had...
15 year 3 1799
I'm having trouble tracking fiducials when they rotate and are not centered in the camera's view.
10 year 4 1801
Lego Head Tracking
This is a nice hack I did using robo realm and lego nxt! ...
15 year 2 1802
I'm wondering if it would be possible to overlay the line graphic in the OPENNI module on the RGB  image rather than s...
9 year 3 1802
Angle between two blobs
I had some progress but only by "voodoo programing" I used the Blob_replace module and got the CROSSHAIR_COORDI...
13 year 2 1802
GPU Support & Choosing a GPU
Any idea by when we will have GPU support? I am buying a laptop that would support this, any recom...
12 year 1 1802
Configurate eb500 Bluetooth
Good morning, I have bought the EmbeddedBlue Transceiver AppMod(eb500). I don't know how it is configurated, anybody can say me...
16 year 2 1803
point me to how would i tie this system in to Linuxcnc, im thinking path mapping/ some kind of line following. i have a big CNC ...
8 year 2 1803
Hi, how i do avm navigator. I purchased it last version.
Hi, how i do avm navigator. I purchased it last version....
12 year 2 1803
Bio reader
Has anyone done any work with Bio/Fingerprint readers? I'm wanting to use one of th...
11 year 1 1803
Execute AVM roborealm on two instances
Is there any way to run AVM roborealm on two instances of roborealm with two cams?...
10 year 3 1803

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