5053 threads
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Symbol recognition
Hi Steve, I am using roborealm software to identify combination of  color objects in the...
14 year 2 2127
Switching cameras
Hi I have been playing with two USB webcams. I want to sequentially process two completely differen...
11 year 2 2038
Switching between Multiple Cameras using Marker Module
There is a basic routine posted several years back on a way to switch between multiple cameras using Marker modules.  ...
11 year 2 1966
Switching between cameras and network tables
I am having an issue with my program. The goal is to be able to switch between cameras at the push of a button on my joystick. I...
8 year 5 2485
Switch to Kiosk problem
Small issue... You cannot use Ctrl+K to switch to Kiosk mode if there is a module in the pipeline t...
16 year 2 2112
Switch on/off Serial Module
Hi, I have an very occasional problem that stops my Pic (crash). The cause is unknown but if I can ...
11 year 4 2154
Sving images
How do I go about saving images that only have the COG graphic on them . I am using rgb filter to d...
11 year 1 1764
SV200 Module problem
Steven, I am able to control the SV203 module from Pontech using the SERIAL RR modules and using sc...
14 year 3 3108
suspend operation{delay
Hello Steve, I want to know whether there is a certain module which can provide me following -stop...
17 year 5 2636
surveyor SRV
Hi Guys, Im doing a new project with surveyor SRV(carmera only). In this project, I will set the ca...
15 year 4 3805
surveyor robot SRV1
How do you keep the Surveyor robots lasers on continously using the Surveyor robot module?...
17 year 1 2036
surveillance and e-mail notification
Hi! I was wondering, is there a way to make a program with roborealm that has this function:
17 year 8 2383
Supported AVI types?
Which specific AVI type does RR support?   I used MediaConvertor 7 (MC7) from ArcSoft to...
13 year 4 3328
Support for SD-84 card
Steven,    Just curious. do you have support for the SD-84 84 channel card? Can one of th...
14 year 1 1706
Support for New LEGO NXT
I'm interested to control a LEGO NXT with RoboRealm. Do you have plans to support it? Behind...
18 year 2 6099
sunlight(reflections) blocking for daylight imaging( best way out?)
I want to block the sunlight coming into my camera and allow the light which  i want within the freq 400nm-850...
17 year 2 2100
Suitability question
We currently make the speedo and tacho dials for cars. We're looking to put in some kind of vision...
9 year 2 1765
Suggestions on Vision and Filtering
Hi, My name is Sam Park and I'm with California State University Northridge's Intelligent Ground...
17 year 2 2198
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms
Hi guys. I am working on a project to control a robot with my eyes. It is done with LEGO NXT. So far I have tried playing around...
12 year 14 3584
Suggestions for Embedded PC
Hello, I'm going to be using RoboRealm for my hexapod robot. I really want everything to be onboar...
14 year 2 2916

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