5053 threads
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Roborealm wth Flir one Android camera to detect IR signatures
I want to use roborealm to aim a paintball sentry gun with a pan and tilt servo connected to an arduino.
9 year 2 1787
Write Image Files
Hello STeven, Regarding Write Image Files command, I request following information: ...
12 year 1 1787
Loop of roborealm and fps camera.
Hello Steven, I have a webcam which works at 30 fps. So, the loop of roborealm is also at 30 Hz. Wh...
9 year 3 1787
Interfacing Photon FASTCAM
I'd like to interface Photon's FASTCAM SA5 to RR.  The camera provides data over the network connection.  ...
11 year 2 1788
RGB filter
I am trying to duplicate the results I get using the RGB filter in a case where I can not use RoboRelm.  The basic fil...
12 year 1 1788
Coordinates of a circle video stream
Hi all, I want to extract X Y coordinates of a video which is a circle. This circle stream is from ...
8 year 2 1788
8051 development board
Hi, anyone please tell me the cheaper price of 8051 development board from this site ...
9 year 1 1789
Will IR LEDs help with image contrast?
I have a general question about lighting.  It seems that lighting considerations are close to the top of the list when...
8 year 2 1789
Polulu mini maestro compass
Hi, I am new at this and have a question. I am making an ROV and am going to use roborealm to drive the servos ect via polulu mi...
12 year 1 1789
Implementing side fill ,top most point modules in matlab
Hi everyone, I am trying to make obstacle avoidance robot using computer vision.As apart of it want to implement side fill, top...
14 year 1 1790
Can any IP cameras work on roborealm, apart from the ones mentioned in the cameras module? I got ne...
9 year 2 1790
Bag recognition
Hello I need to detect various object coming into restricted area. One kind of objects in this area are bags (obje...
12 year 2 1791
Higher FPS
I took an i5 machine with a fresh install of Win7Pro Then I loaded RR. 2.76.1 only, and with no cam...
3 year 2 1792
RoboRealm API Set_Camera_Properties
Hi, I have a question unrelated to my topic that I wanted to ask first:
8 year 2 1793
RR - execution flow
I've made a very simple robo file. It sets some variables and write variables content to file. It runs just one cycle. At the en...
9 year 1 1793
keyboard driving irobot create
The keyboard driving robofile for Roomba does not work with Create. Can someone provide a Create version? Thank you very much....
11 year 2 1793
Camera Support - Playstation Eye
Does roborealm support the Playstation 3 Eye camera, or could it be made to communicate with the community-created Windows drive...
13 year 2 1794
motor control
Hi, I am new to roborealm. And I use roborealm to process the pictures to help srv-1b find the objects. I want to know whether t...
16 year 2 1794
new research
This article seems pretty neat.  I believe roborealm could do some of this. ...
12 year 1 1794
update existing image
Hi friends, I am setting image using setImage() (using java) now if i have some pixel area t...
17 year 3 1794

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