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thanks samu...
17 year 1 3132
zip file with built rrmodule
Hope this helps Thanks Alan ...
17 year 1 2808
No Title
Hi, I have noticed that roborealm can control the pan tilt function on the Logitech Oribit...
17 year 1 2636
Design of RoboRealm
STeven- I was wondering if you could share more details on RoboRealm from a programming perspective...
13 year 1 2012
detecting multiple balls with different colour
Hi: I'm trying to make a score keeping system for snooker. I'll need my system to detect different coloured ball...
12 year 1 1923
Ar drone-RR
Hi Steven , Any news from parrot ? the SDK 1.7 is released for a while . thanks Dotan...
12 year 1 2124
RR with delta manipulator
I plan to build delta type robot (parallel manipulator) to moving collects objects from moving conveyor. Roboreal...
12 year 1 3265
Weld defect detection
Sorry... here are the files from my last post.......
14 year 1 1993
Polulu mini maestro compass
Hi, I am new at this and have a question. I am making an ROV and am going to use roborealm to drive the servos ect via polulu mi...
12 year 1 1767
how to set up motion detection for DC usb Missile Launcher
i am a total Newbie when it comes to programing and was wondering if there was anyone out there who had already figured...
17 year 1 2389
multiple usb missile launchers
i want to try a project where i can have two DC or strike missile launchers and control them individually from one joyst...
17 year 1 2103
Vision based mapping
Was curious to know if roborealm does any vision based mapping of an unknown environment either through landmarks, occup...
17 year 1 2299
Roboteq Module?
I was wondering when and if a Roboteq Module will be created? I have read other form posts asking for people to contact Roboteq...
13 year 1 1688
Blob circularity and morphology
Hi STeven, I am trying to determine the circularity and morphology of transparent spheres. I am usi...
11 year 1 1835
MSRDS VPL Get Variable program
Hi Steven, Can you please upload a simple VPL program that uses the RoboRealm interface in VPL to d...
13 year 1 1962
New Roboshow
Hey Everyone I am casting for a groundbreaking mechanized robotic competition show, and I am looking for great people! Think Rea...
13 year 1 1659
Augmented Reality
Hello I am Brenden and I am an incoming junior at Upland High School and I am currently working on my Science Fair project for t...
11 year 1 2344
UBUNTU oneiric no image
Hello, I installed RoboRealm 2.44.2 with wine on my UBUNTU 11.10 oneiric. The prroblem is that RoboRealms screen k...
13 year 1 1990
Something new about ardrone? Can't wait for roborealm connectet to this flying cam :-)...
13 year 1 2195
Hi Steve! I tried the program that you sent but it did not work. I even tried to upgrade to the lat...
13 year 1 1637

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