Canny edge detector controlled by variable
16 year
Hi, STeven

I seem a lot of nice features added to the program.
Most of the time, I need Canny edge detector first. then using vinishing point or crop transform. Is that prossible to add variable input to Canny module. Then it can automatically adapted to different condition.

Thank you very much.

Anonymous 16 year
Hi, Steven

I mean is there any way to limit the Canny output(like 20-50 blobs) in any picture or video, in door or outdoor condition.


Anonymous 16 year

We added the variable control to the Canny module (ver but are not sure what you mean by limiting the canny output. Perhaps you mean more like a percentage of edge intensity? I.e. when edges get less defined the threshold will lower and when better defined (i.e. more light) the threshold will increase? Is that what you're getting at?

Anonymous 16 year

I tried the new Canny module, it works very well. Thank you so much.
I just wondering how to set variable control in Gaussian Theta.
And I think you get my idea, sorry I don't know the right terminology.
I just think about put Canny, vinishing point, blob replace and blob filter all together. They can provide most the output I need for further process.


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