30 posts
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Easy Vision Program [16]
Here is the program. It is not fully perfected though, and the algorithm isn't in the program yet, but I don't think that shou...
15 year 18 4336
Easy Vision Program [14]
Thank you. If my camera has a slow FPS wil that slow down roborealm? I'm sorry that I can't post the program, my friend has th...
15 year 18 4336
Easy Vision Program [11]
Okay, thanks. So you think that roborealm should work on a slow-ish computer? Like how about a pentium 4, or a Dual Core? Thanks...
15 year 18 4336
Easy Vision Program [9]
That is exacty what I'm trying to do (I am using that web site to build the table). but to track my finger, I need some filters...
15 year 18 4336
Easy Vision Program [7]
What do you mean "then it probably has to"? Can I use less processor space some how? All I need to do is track a blob and corr...
15 year 18 4336
Easy Vision Program [5]
Thanks. What I mean is that I need a vision program that is easy to use. I'm not to old, 14, and I don't know to much about ma...
15 year 18 4336
Tracking Flying Objects [3]
I didn't make roborealm, but I have used it for a few years. It would be easy to track a colored airplane, and have roborealm m...
15 year 4 3573
obstacle avoidance [2]
I am trying to build a robot that will avoid obstacles on all terrain, but mostly in a house environment. I've tried all of the...
16 year 2 1976
Email [4]
Can you please explain how i would go about doing this? I haven't really done much programing Than...
16 year 4 2299
Email [2]
What emails work with the email module? I know gmail, and hotmail won't work, or anything else that uses SSL encryption, correc...
16 year 4 2299

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