57 posts
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Crash report on startup
Hi STeven, The message to send a crash report happens every time I open RR.  I have selec...
10 year 2 1894
ini file
Hi STeven, How does one create an ini file to be called when starting RR.  In the API doc...
10 year 4 2007
ini file [3]
Hi STeven, Yes, I have reviewed the API parameter section in detail.  I guess the questio...
10 year 4 2007
Socket Comminications
Hi STeven, Having some issues trying to communicate to RR via sockets.  I have a new RR s...
10 year 3 2105
Socket Comminications [3]
Hi STeven, After having communication issues with the socket plugin (prior to your update) &nb...
10 year 3 2105
Basler Camera [2]
Hi STeven, a second thought.  Can you recommend a camera with the same or possibly better resolution that will interfa...
11 year 3 2401
Basler Camera
Hi STeven,  I have a Basler camera model piA2400-17gm and having a few issues.  RoboRealm sees the camera in...
11 year 3 2401
External camera feed
Hi STeven, Was not able to continue from the previous post as it does not show in the forums. ...
10 year 2 2442
2d decode
Hi STeven, Things have been working well with the 2d matrix decode module.  Just got a ne...
10 year 2 2502
Barcode orientation [3]
Hi STeven, Thanks for the update, works great and has been implemented in the vision decode program...
10 year 3 2649
Barcode orientation
Hi STeven, Every thing is working real well for decoding the 2d matrix codes.  I'm about...
10 year 3 2649
2D barcode [4]
Hi Steve, I will have double check the image resolution sent.  What I have is a 5Meg camera with a image area of 2456x...
11 year 9 3214
2D barcode [2]
I was wondering if you are able to decode the attached 2d barcode image.  I see a selection in the Matching->barcod...
11 year 9 3214
2D barcode [9]
Hi Steven, it's been awhile but I have been able to confirm the DataMatrix option is working, thanks.  I still need t...
11 year 9 3214
2D barcode [6]
Hi Steven, Here is a image of the actual parts at the actaul resolution, cropped to a coupled of parts.
11 year 9 3214
2D barcode
Hi Steven, Here is a image of the actual parts at the actaul resolution, cropped to a coupled of parts....
11 year 9 3214
Barcode decode anomaly [7]
Hi STeven, Am I correct in assuming that when the barcode module decodes the barcodes it is somehwa...
10 year 15 3845
Barcode decode anomaly [6]
Hi STeven, Thanks for update on the decoding issues.  Having an issue with the new update...
10 year 15 3845
Barcode decode anomaly [4]
Hi STeven, As far as decoding I have good success, in the last example the lighting was adjusted to...
10 year 15 3845
Barcode decode anomaly [2]
Hi STeven, Here is some additional clarification.  In the attached script it uses the att...
10 year 15 3845

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