1530 posts
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Training Images [4]
Bob, That's not the ideal way to use the Object Recognition module as its very slow to train since ...
6 year 8 2183
AX-12a ball picker [5]
That's a very good start. Now you can look at the API and download the examples which include one in Java. That's what you wil...
11 year 8 2087
USB HID Receive Data Error [3]
We tested this out just to see what information is sent when using \50 but it works as expected and didn't find any issues in th...
9 year 8 4848
Time with no camera [6]
Roland, The format used is the number of seconds since Sept 2001 (or some other date depending on y...
9 year 8 2310
AX-12a ball picker [9]
What dll file are you referring to? STeven....
11 year 8 2087
USB HID Receive Data Error [5]
Thanks for the files. That always helps to understand the flow of information. We found a potential...
9 year 8 4848
USB HID Receive Data Error [8]
Was just trying to test this out with a couple other HID devices. There was an issue that was corrected so it is once again wort...
9 year 8 4848
Phidget servo control [6]
Brian, If the app requests to send the crash reports after restarting please allow those to go thro...
8 year 8 2401
FRC Camera Client Receives Error When Sending Parameters [6]
That one line should do it ... lower down they explain what this does and instead use 1181 which is different from the default o...
7 year 8 2618
Socket Client data to Variable [6]
Try removing the Set Speed = "" in the second line of the pipeline. :-) Or at least select the "set...
8 year 8 3521
GPS_Reader module needs more variables [10]
John, That makes sense. We've updated the waypoints to start from 1. ...
11 year 8 2821
Time with no camera [4]
CLOCK_TIME now available in the latest version. STeven....
9 year 8 2310
Roborealm loses the camera [6]
Stephen, I have exactly that camera with the driver version that should NOT work ... but  ...
9 year 8 2062
Timer Random [8]
It is always best to post your robofile instead of typing it as text (you can press save button and call it something.robo and t...
11 year 8 3431
Bug? [5]
Steve, The reason for the slowdown is that the module is attempting to connect with the COM port bu...
9 year 8 2694
Comparing Folder images [7]
Tim, Seems like you have a couple issues going on here which we can't completely understand without...
7 year 8 2359
GPS_Reader module needs more variables [6]
John, Its possible the actual code hadn't made it up just yet. Regardless, .17 should be available...
11 year 8 2821
Time with no camera [2]
Do you need more resolution than seconds? We can add a CLOCK_TIME variable if that's the case. STev...
9 year 8 2310
Timer Random [4]
Don't use sleep, set a variable and then test for that variable using the If Statement Module and exclude the rest of your pipe...
11 year 8 3431
OCR Curved text [4]
Oscar, I've attached something that gets closer but you will still want to do 2 additional test:
5 year 8 2830

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