1531 posts
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maximized [4]
Roland, Just to confirm ... are you looking for a 'fullscreen' mode or a 'maximized' window mode? M...
10 year 4 2048
Automated archery scoring [2]
Mark, Note that VBScript is a bit different than VB. You don't need type indications as you have sp...
10 year 3 2049
how to link C++ program and telnet program? [2]
You should have a look at the API and the example downloads that show how to do what you ask in many computer languages. Pick on...
11 year 2 2049
RR Webserver and Android [3]
Ulli, One thing you can try is to avoid using Java for FF or Chrome which support MJpeg streams nat...
12 year 2 2060
RoboRealm and video stream [4]
FRederick, this is probably the best forum to use for that sort of thing. If you are looking for co...
7 year 7 2065
RoboRealm and video stream [2]
Frederick, In theory, yes, it will work. But you will not know for sure until you actually get one ...
7 year 7 2065
RoboRealm and video stream [6]
The two local to us that come to mind are Artemis Vision 781 Vallejo St.
7 year 7 2065
VB script help needed [3]
Aman, I'm assuming that you are using a stationary camera NOT attached to the boom otherwise you a...
11 year 2 2068
Output C/C++ [4]
Grant, Just to clarify: 1. Automatically create a source C/C++ file th...
11 year 4 2071
Output C/C++ [2]
Grant, It is possible but only with a lot of work. RoboRealm is deceptively simple in that it hides...
11 year 4 2071
importing other robo files into the call module [2]
Dawson, The current version has checkboxes in the open and save dialogs to allow for that. See if t...
11 year 3 2071
Previous versions of RR [2]
Jerry, Use the contact form to send us your email that you used to have RoboRealm linked to and we ...
5 year 2 2072
problem in sprkfun_mega module [5]
Nithy, We were able to verify the problem but since the fix we cannot replicate the issue in either...
8 year 7 2075
How to create program file (.exe) fram .robo file [2]
Saiful, RoboRealm cannot produce a .exe file given a robofile ... that's just not functionality tha...
10 year 2 2075
Webcam suggestions [2]
Sam, We've actually created a mounting system for that camera (and its successor) that was initiall...
9 year 2 2079
Fanuc robot [2]
Hi, No, there isn't any way to our knowledge of how to connect to a Fanuc robot. We are looking for...
9 year 4 2083
DoubleArray for Java Network Tables [5]
Tim, Be sure to have the most recent copy of RR when running this. The issue is that before a targe...
12 year 5 2083
Is this possible? Image Data base compairison? Live Video? [2]
Jason, Not sure if this is still relevant, but yes, this is possible. If you refer to
8 year 2 2083
DoubleArray for Java Network Tables [3]
Actually, checking the most recent source, I think FIRST changed that to NumberArray. Should be in the edu.wpi.first.wpilib.netw...
12 year 5 2083
Set Array variable [3]
Perhaps try list = GetArrayVariable("MAX_X") lowest = list(0)
12 year 3 2083

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