1531 posts
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getVariables error [4]
Padraig, The assumption you are making are that the values are integers. RoboRealm variables are lo...
10 year 4 2017
Change in behavior of Marker [2]
Rud, The behavior was more undefined than a bug. For that capability, I'd recommend using the Resi...
11 year 2 2017
getVariables error [2]
Padraig, The result is as expected. Within the RR scripting modules the GetVariable really means Ge...
10 year 4 2017
2014 FRC First Time Vision Tracking [2]
Sebastian, You will want to look at the Network Tables module which will allow you to transmit the ...
11 year 2 2018
Crash Reporting on Each Startup [2]
John, What most likely is happening is that the crash file cannot be deleted under the current perm...
10 year 2 2020
soccer robot [2]
Yes, this is possible. The best way to think about this kind of sequential processing is to do so using states. I.e. use one var...
6 year 2 2021
Switching cameras [2]
Rather than fix it in hardware just select one camera using the main Camera button and Options Video tab, and then use the Marke...
11 year 2 2025
Detection of motion [2]
Play around with the Movement module: ...
7 year 2 2027
Cannot start Roborealm [5]
Roland, Thanks! That makes sense. It seems that those files are needed specifically in a vanilla XP...
11 year 7 2029
Set Camera Problem [2]
Josh, I just tried this in the latest version with the API enabled and it seemed to work as expecte...
8 year 4 2029
Cannot start Roborealm [2]
Roland, That looks like a corrupted file. You can quickly try to start RR while holding down the CT...
11 year 7 2029
Cannot start Roborealm [7]
Roland, Glad that worked out. Specifically you were probably missing the Visual C runtime libraries...
11 year 7 2029
Set Camera Problem [4]
Josh, Check that in the API tab that the timeout is set to zero (infinite) and that at least 5 thre...
8 year 4 2029
API in Visual Studio 2010 [3]
Ron, That happens when a function calls itself too many times (among other possibilities). Not sure...
11 year 3 2035
Image processing with roborealm [2]
Romulo, The solution would depend on how the drill bit can be imaged. For example, is it always ass...
7 year 2 2038
Speak Listbox Index [3]
Ulli, This has just been fixed. It was caused by an automatic sorting of the names as they were ent...
12 year 2 2038
retrain on change not work [4]
Marco, If you check the Train dialog interface (where you specify the folder to train) you will see...
12 year 3 2039
Another way to crash Python 2.x script implementation? [2]
Thomas, Thanks for the error reports. This has been fixed in both Python2 and 3. You should be func...
10 year 3 2041
Test Receive [2]
Roland, The receive sequence needs to have some sort of character to know when the sequence ends. T...
11 year 2 2044
maximized [2]
Roland, If you check the Startup tab in the Options dialog you will see a startup in maximized chec...
10 year 4 2048

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