1531 posts
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Ollie by Orbotix [2]
CJ, Do you have an Ollie robot? While it is possible I've read that it supports bluetooth LE which ...
10 year 4 1825
Ollie by Orbotix [4]
CJ, I do know that the earlier versions of Sphero would connect to a PC just fine (in fact we worke...
10 year 4 1825
Commenting [2]
Roland, The addition of the tabs caused a problem with this. Its fixed in the latest version.
11 year 2 1826
Dicing up an image [2]
Charles, Yes, there are a couple ways to do this ... it depends on how you'd like to work with the...
10 year 3 1827
Versions [3]
Matt, I'm not sure this is the answer to your questions buy you can find the versions off from the...
12 year 3 1828
roborealm error [2]
Yes, the file is configured to look for a servo controller hardware board. The message is indicating that this connection could ...
11 year 2 1830
Movement Strobe use [2]
Josh, Not sure if you included a robofile or not but it seems to be missing in the post.
7 year 2 1831
subpixel calculation and write variables [4]
Pat, I understand that what you are asking for is for the Harris points to be represented in decima...
8 year 4 1831
subpixel calculation and write variables [2]
Pat, It will really depend on what value you are talking about. As the COG is calculated from many ...
8 year 4 1831
Missing hardware error when trying to run a Pololu Maestro over USB [3]
Thanks for letting us know ... we thought that the latest Maestro might have a different product ID than previous versions and w...
6 year 3 1832
FRC 2013 Double Tracking [3]
Assuming you have two techniques where one detects the target and the other the pyramid, you can trigger the detection of those ...
12 year 2 1832
circle position [2]
If you look at the other items in that dropdown they are all variables ... thus that control expects to see a variable and NOT s...
10 year 2 1834
Roborealm causing Windows Explorer to lock up [2]
Sam, We've not had any reports similar to this since your post. If this is something that is still ...
8 year 2 1834
snow globe [2]
George, It will really depend on the image. Can you post one here? I'...
9 year 4 1835
EZRobot_Variables [2]
Justin, Glad we could help! The idea was that you could use Set_Variab...
10 year 2 1835
snow globe [4]
George, The key words you mentioned are "see how fast the water clears" which makes this a relative...
9 year 4 1835
Cognex [2]
Monito, We're not sure about the Cognex cameras in terms of how they connect (we've never actuall...
11 year 2 1836
NetworkTables not connecting to Robot [4]
Mike, No problem, it just got updated last night. You'll have to download RR again to get that fix...
12 year 3 1837
Printing [2]
Yup, either of those would probably work. As you discovered there is no printing capability at all ...
11 year 3 1837
Roborealm not recognizing multiple Playstation Eye cameras [2]
I assume that you installed the code lab drivers? Note that you need the platform SDK driver in order to access two.
11 year 2 1839

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