21 posts
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AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [20]
Hello Steven, Please find the test depth image attached. Thanks, Subbu ...
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [11]
Hi Steven, well the pendulum end will be tested with a red color bob, a black color bob and a gray color bob. I can modify the e...
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [18]
Hi Steven, Well I have reached the point in the project where I cannot further move without getting the Depth Information. RR ca...
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [9]
Thanks a lot for the idea EDV, that really makes a good sense and I will try that and update you. ...
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [16]
Thanks for the reply Steven. For the point number 5 above, yes as you said I am not able to see the...
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [7]
Thanks for the reply EDV. Well I tried with the method that you told by just marking the bob of the pendulum and getting the cen...
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [14]
And one more thing is that I am not able to run this module with Xtion Pro Live Camera. I can only use this with my laptop web c...
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [5]
Thanks EDV for the prompt response. I have linked 2 videos one with the canny algorithm and one with just the RGB camera from AS...
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [13]
I will surely try the steady increase in the speed EDV. The red Object Tracking looks promising as it gives x and y axis values....
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [2]
I am trying to track a simple pendulum using the AVM navigator module. However, when I use the Learn from motion option, the pen...
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [25]
Thanks for the reply Steven. Well when I move the object closer, the depth increases and when I move farther the depth decreases...
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [23]
So how do I calculate the depth value ? Any chance with addition of new feature Steven?
12 year 25 6780
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [22]
Hi Steven, I have attached the images below. But I wanted to clear one point that in the experimen...
12 year 25 6780
FPS [2]
I am using an Xtion Pro Live with RR but when I run RR, the maximum FPS that I manage to get is 15. I want atleast 30 FPS. Any w...
12 year 8 4104
FPS [5]
Hello Steven, thanks for the insight. I will surely try this on a high configuration computer and update you about this. I was u...
12 year 8 4104
FPS [3]
Any help please?...
12 year 8 4104
FPS [8]
@Steven : Steven, I am getting a drop in the frame rate when I use the AVM_Navigator module(Drops from 30 to 17-20). I tried it ...
12 year 8 4104
Openni_Kinect Module [2]
Hello All,              We recently purchased robo re...
12 year 7 3845
Openni_Kinect Module [7]
Well, the object that I currently used with the pendulum is a test object. I am required to use different colored object with un...
12 year 7 3845
Openni_Kinect Module [3]
Any help please?...
12 year 7 3845

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