21 posts
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script [4]
thank you running it as adminstrator once worked dont know why i didnt come up with that thanks anyways its working now...
13 year 3 2197
joystick [4]
ok here is the robo file thanks for answering by the way...
13 year 4 2594
avm [4]
Thanks so much I finally got it working just had to make a few number changes as the head is moved by a worm gear thanks again :...
13 year 6 2363
avm [6]
But it's a nxt motor and under servos I don't see nxt so I have to use the method above right?...
13 year 6 2363
OWI-535 Robotic arm Edge [4]
Hi Alan Thank you for that its actually a really cool site!! Unfortun...
12 year 8 4730
OWI-535 Robotic arm Edge [6]
Yeah thats what i thought..... thank you though and really cool website by the way, i really like ...
12 year 8 4730
Ollie by Orbotix [3]
Hi STeven, I don't have an Ollie robot but I was torn between the Sphere and Ollie I wasn't aware o...
10 year 4 1804
Oculus Rift [3]
Yes I have looked into that as well (Piping RoboRealm directly into it for viewing) However, the Rift does not just support ever...
11 year 5 1845
Oculus Rift [5]
Awesome, I definitely will tell you when mine arrives. As they are being built it can take up to 4-6 weeks unfortunately but I w...
11 year 5 1845
Webserver [4]
Hello i can take care of the port forwarding thats ok. as for my seco...
12 year 4 2100
avm [2]
hi there its cj i just wanted to ask i am trying to use avm with my nxt and i currently have got my robots head on a tunable bas...
13 year 6 2363
AVM [2]
Hi there its CJ i am still trying to get my nxt to use navigate mode with AVM but the moment i give...
13 year 3 5569
Dream Cheeky Missile Launcher [2]
Hello I would like some help what i am trying to do is control my DC missile launcher
12 year 1 2178
joystick [2]
hi there i was wondering how i can make my triger button (button one) on my jstick control motor c forward on my nxt i gave my n...
13 year 4 2594
Maginon object tracking using AVM
Hello, I am trying to get my Maginon IP camera to follow the "Learn by movement" object from the ...
11 year 2 2062
Oculus Rift
Hello everyone and STeven, I am wondering how RoboRealm might handle displaying a video feed for th...
11 year 5 1845
Ollie by Orbotix
Hey Guys, I was wondering if a module that controls the ollie robot by orbit may be possible to mak...
10 year 4 1804
OWI-535 Robotic arm Edge [2]
Hello, I have just bought an OWI - 535 Robotic arm Edge with USB interface add on. and what i would...
12 year 8 4730
script [2]
hi there i just wanted to tell you that i redownloaded the microsoft script that you told me i needed but roborealm still says i...
13 year 3 2197
script [2]
hi there its cj i am trying to use vbscript and it says it cant find scriptsite.dll so i placed it ...
13 year 2 1952

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