87 posts
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Image distributor server/client [2]
Hi, When I set up a distributor server/client configuration with another PC over the net, sometimes...
16 year 2 1978
counting the flames [3]
It sounds possible with a few modules 'exponential', 'threshold' and 'circles'. I would recom...
16 year 3 2000
image acquisition [4]
Hi, I think that I might have figured out a way to temporary store an image from a video source. T...
16 year 3 2002
image acquisition [2]
Hi, I am using this file to transmit a video stream over the internet to another PC (RR program). The video stream...
16 year 3 2002
RR speed [2]
Is there a way of making RR run faster? The same functions in OpenCV are faster. Can the preview op...
15 year 2 2024
distributor_server question [2]
When I set up a distributor server/client connection with another PC over internet (broadband), the video feed seems to struggle...
16 year 1 2036
Circle detection [2]
Hi STeven, I'm trying to detect a circular object in the attached video (middle right side), but t...
15 year 2 2067
Roborealm crashes [2]
We purchased the new license and downloaded the latest RR Each time I open the RoboRealm.exe and click on Options butt...
15 year 3 2093
Sabertooth dual 2x5 controller [3]
It is in the Serial Packetized mode and yet there seems to be no established communication. I don'...
17 year 3 2098
Sabertooth dual 2x5 controller
Hi, I have installed the sabertooth drivers for WinXP and get the 'Serial to USB Converter' on CO...
17 year 3 2098
Line Sampling Data [5]
Actually it only sometimes works briefly. It appears to be having issues with communications. Where should I look into regarding...
16 year 5 2099
Line Sampling Data [4]
Hi Steven, It used to work just fine with   char buff[50000]...
16 year 5 2099
Line Sampling Data [2]
Hi, Have you made any changes to the SAMPLE_LINE_POINTS data, as my program stopped working since I...
16 year 5 2099
Geometric Stats Blob Array [2]
I'm using the geometric statistics with "individual blobs" option selected. It works great, giving me an array for each varia...
16 year 2 2146
Editing pixels in the image [4]
Thanks STeven, The Mask idea is much better, and it works Cheers,
17 year 3 2152
Editing pixels in the image [2]
I would like to use pixel data from one image (marker A) to edit pixels in the second image (marker B). e.g. if pixel (200, 300)...
17 year 3 2152
temporary image capture [2]
I am looking for a feature similar to video marker, but for a single image (snapshot). I have two ...
16 year 1 2166
Recognize Auto-Signs [6]
Hej druze, This is probably how I would approach the challenge. Road signs you are after consist of...
16 year 5 2237
Camera - Allied Vision Tech [4]
Yes, I have tested their Firewire module (Guppy - Bayer colour unit). RR just does not list the camera in the dropdown menu. The...
15 year 3 2258
Camera - Allied Vision Tech [2]
I would like to use Guppy, an Allied Vision Technologies camera. It is firewire connected and it do...
15 year 3 2258

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