330 posts
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AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [5]
Yet another video from user whose robot has extremely high turn speed but AVM Navigator module could control robot navigation ev...
12 year 18 5737
Face Matching [11]
But how it differs from exporting of AVM object data as: "AVM Navigator" -> avm.dat -> RcgExample2.exe that I mentioned ...
12 year 19 10001
Now AVM is working faster [105]
>> You mean on the turning I can choose to turn the camera (turret)? And turn back the turret to home position and rotate ...
12 year 117 22460
AVM improvements [6]
As one proverb tells: It is better to see one time than to hear 100 times.
12 year 10 5110
AVM Navigator variables [3]
Brian, Unfortunately but there is not possibility to get information about recognized objects yet. ...
13 year 22 6552
More for EDV [8]
>> I have it available. But, I don't exactly know how to use it. But this would make the motors turn more solid and sure?...
13 year 43 6900
Coordinates of image match [3]
Unfortunately there is not way to train automatically AVM algorithm on your database in AVM Navigator plugin. But you can try to...
14 year 2 2519
More for EDV [9]
Now let's configure list of archive variables in DVR Server module: NV_L_MOTOR, NV_R_MOTOR, NV_TURRET_BALANCE, NV_LOCATION_X, N...
13 year 43 6900
AVM: tank drive assumed? [5]
Historically first was developed "Navigate mode" and "Nova gate mode" that provided walking of robot from gate to gate. The ...
13 year 7 3399
Speak Module repeats itself... [10]
It is depend on depth of object tracking (about 40 frames in recognition mode) and when object has disappeared the tracking was ...
14 year 9 5137
More for EDV [10]
Now let's configure the DVR Client for displaying of archived variables. You can also make it by y...
13 year 43 6900
New DVR Client version is released [4]
The next update of DVR Client v2.1 is released and you can download it from here: ...
12 year 3 7050
AVM improvements [9]
Thank you for update and it really looks great! It would be nice if you also could share your robot...
12 year 10 5110
More for EDV [11]
Now you ready for your robot navigation experiments and DVR Server will work like "black box recorder" in aircraft.
13 year 43 6900
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [7]
* Connect your robot to AVM Navigator Just use the variables that described below for connection of...
12 year 18 5737
AVM: tank drive assumed? [7]
However in "Navigate mode" there is variable NV_GATE_HORIZON that indicates of gate horizon (float from –1.0 to 1.0) which sho...
13 year 7 3399
AVM: tank drive assumed? [8]
You can also use DVR Client-Server for memorizing and analysis of values of variables that were involved in your robot control a...
13 year 7 3399
AVM Navigator variables [4]
Navigator plugin was updated. Now you can redownload the RoboRealm package for getting changes. The...
13 year 22 6552
Now AVM is working faster [28]
Thank you for your efforts! And I think that you have good chances for review my experiments with n...
12 year 117 22460
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [10]
Raj, What if you try to use NV_L_MOTOR_128, NV_R_MOTOR_128, NV_TURRET_128 variables instead your VB...
12 year 18 5737

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