330 posts
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Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [14]
>> 1) Its easily follow the object I draw on the paper but it hard to follow an object such as pen, bottle cap.. How can I...
12 year 28 8631
Training the avm object recognition module with a list of images [4]
You could also find out more details here: ...
11 year 8 3437
Now AVM is working faster [22]
I use in my experiments: Logitech HD Webcam C270 and 3Q NetTop Qoo (Intel Atom 230 1600Mhz) for images processing by AVM Navigat...
12 year 117 22258
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [15]
I noticed also that the value of horizontal and vertical rotation step is only 1 (turret_h = turret_h + 1, turret_v = turret_v +...
12 year 28 8631
More for EDV [3]
Don't worry about ADHD because your comments show me that you are clear-thinking man. You are motivated person wi...
13 year 43 6768
Now AVM is working faster [24]
I just assembled my new rover for AVM Navigator project and I plan to improve motion control algorithm that will provide less je...
12 year 117 22258
Training the avm object recognition module with a list of images [6]
Please note that the object images should be printed on the paper because AVM learns anything that is placed in interest area (r...
11 year 8 3437
Now AVM is working faster [96]
bmw318be, You should download RoboRealm package with new AVM Navigator v0.7.3.5 because this update...
12 year 117 22258
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [17]
You already have present servo position value in "turret_v" variable and value of the next position too turret_v + 1 or turret...
12 year 28 8631
Now AVM is working faster [26]
>> Would that be possible to place it on the 1.3 m height and navigate it? Seems like this sh...
12 year 117 22258
AVM module failure [3]
What camera resolution you use? Can you try to change it to 640x480 or 320x240 pixels?
11 year 4 3008
Object tracking [5]
Here is complete solution of object tracking: ...
12 year 13 6525
AVM Navigator v0.7.3 is released [4]
The RoboRealm application with AVM Navigator module was running only on local NetTop computer that was set on my robot:
12 year 18 5672
AVM: tank drive assumed? [3]
>> My Python code uses NV_FORWARD and NV_BACKWARDS to compute speed and direction for the motors.  It uses NV_RI...
12 year 7 3337
Now AVM is working faster [100]
Please upload directly AVI file that was produced by "Write AVI" module to YouTube without involving of any other software lik...
12 year 117 22258
Now AVM is working faster [102]
It looks better but I see some mistakes in training: 1. If you need make turn (to other room for ex...
12 year 117 22258
AVM improvements [3]
Thank you for advices I will think over about it. Can you please tell more details about your robot...
12 year 10 5018
AVM improvements [4]
And it would be good if you could download latest version of AVM Navigator. See "AVM Navigator's Updates" for m...
12 year 10 5018
Training the avm object recognition module with a list of images [8]
As you probably know the AVM algorithm also can recognize faces pretty well: ...
11 year 8 3437
AVM navigator:navigation by map obstacle [7]
I prepared emulator program (based on Quake 3 mod) for acquaintance with "Marker mode" and "Navigation by map" modes.
13 year 7 3743

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