50 posts
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RoboRealm 2.67.27 does not start any more [3]
STeven, That one works now. Version number has not changed, but install files are not byte identica...
10 year 3 1797
STeven, also seems to work now, thank you! Thomas...
10 year 3 1672
Sleep/Pause/Wait [3]
STeven, Sorry, but your program does not freeze anything here. And yes, I checked the value of the ...
10 year 5 3026
Local folders for shape match training allowed? [3]
STeven, thanks for the explanation. Having that bit of information stick somewhere in the documenta...
10 year 3 2512
Shape match: Inclusion of Samples [3]
Understood and agreed....
10 year 3 2557
Sleep/Pause/Wait [5]
STeven, OK, took me a moment to understand he concept but I got it. Thanks!
10 year 5 3026
Forum bug? [3]
Thanks, solved....
10 year 3 1813
CTRL C CTRL V bug [3]
STeven, tried to reproduce this today and it did not work. I will observe, issue closed from my sid...
10 year 3 1892
Detect whether camera is present? [3]
10 year 3 2071

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