63 posts
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Media Reader Crashes RR [2]
RR is crashing when the Media Reader module is opened and (1) I click on reset or (2) I click on start with a WMV file selected....
12 year 7 3136
Is this the way to go? Obstacle avoidance [4]
If you look back through the last week of messages you'll find 2 or 3 others about this same problem. I know I posted a message...
15 year 8 4835
API Execute Problem [4]
I just remembered I am using an older version of the API so I did not have to change my C++ API. It may not have some of the XML...
11 year 9 3093
Fiducial Questions [8]
How do you handle determine distance given different size images? One image is 8x8 and the other 16...
11 year 9 2966
Fiducial Questions [7]
Took a day to get things setup for capturing this. The snaps labeled 'frame' are from an AVI I c...
11 year 9 2966
Fiducial Questions [5]
I am using RR fiducials renamed. The fiducials directory and the ROBO are in the uploaded zip file.
11 year 9 2966
API Execute Problem [2]
The uploaded robo file when loaded directly into RR work fine. When the same file is read into my C++ program and transferred to...
11 year 9 3093
Fiducial Questions [3]
I was working with the Y_ROTATION, i.e. moving the sides of the fiducial toward or away. The moveme...
11 year 9 2966
Fiducial Questions [2]
Hi STeven, Wrestling with the understanding the details of the outputs from the fiducial module. I ...
11 year 9 2966
API Execute Problem [8]
That did fix it. I am kind of kicking myself because I overran the buffer doing something else and...
11 year 9 3093
VC++ API [3]
VC expects all compilation units to use the same precompiled headers by default. If you add stdafx.h to the top of the RR_API.cp...
15 year 9 2046
API Execute Problem [6]
Just to add something more... I changed my process to write the pipeline script to a file and use l...
11 year 9 3093
API Execute Problem [10]
Thanks for that change. I setup Mosaic quite frequently in my testing so having the formats in there makes it easier. ...
11 year 9 3093
API Execute Problem [5]
I do have the current C++ files. The CPP is from 2/2/13. I zipped my program and the robo files I a...
11 year 9 3093
Fiducial Questions [10]
Fortunately still had it setup. Hopefully this will show the problem. ...
11 year 9 2966
Head Tracking Demo using RoboRealm [7]
I also found this very interesting and went on to read your blog. It appears we are working in similar directions albeit with di...
15 year 10 8959
Head Tracking Demo using RoboRealm [10]
Patrick, I have just been experimenting with the COG example that comes with RR. Glad I stumbled ba...
15 year 10 8959
Using "Eliminate Global Flow" in the Optical_Flow Module [6]
Hi P & PM, Just stumbled on this thread. I started working with optical flow the last couple of day...
15 year 11 5441
General Guidance on Design [18]
This is all interesting information. One additional factor not mentioned is weight. Is there much ...
15 year 19 3956
General Guidance on Design [2]
I am starting on a project using an iRobot Create, a Fit PC Lite, i2c sensors, and a web cam. The Fit PC will run all the softwa...
15 year 19 3956

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