71 posts
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Roomba Discovery Sensors [10]
i did that doesnt work,do i need to set variables like to test a few functions without using a very long cord,unti...
14 year 11 4962
Roomba Discovery Sensors [11]
trying to try setting variables lets say right motor variable right motor then in value [right_motor]
14 year 11 4962
problem in api using loadprogram in lisp [3]
i did find one problem,i had 2 defun with the same name (followredobject) so i rename it now i get t...
14 year 4 2248
what will EZ-ROBOT module come out [5]
YES i know it as a API still needs a interface to control in  roborealm...
13 year 7 2454
what will EZ-ROBOT module come out [7]
STEVEN i have 5 ez-robot boards if you need to borrow one  for testing...
13 year 7 2454
problem in api using loadprogram in lisp [5]
thanks Steven it works when i change to port 8080 next to start roborealm when i start leaf...
14 year 4 2248
what happen about the interface to EZ-ROBOT BOARD [3]
any update on this Steven...
12 year 3 2317
module on I2C  buss [4]
looking for any module that has I2C as a input to read data from a sensor,and in roborealm pass the info to my next module.will ...
14 year 5 2533
Arduino module? [4]
Steven,what arduino board does the arduino module use it says UNO and MEGA BOARD,so i guess both of thenm using th...
14 year 8 4773
module on I2C  buss [5]
it looks like the serializer will work,since it can read any I2C sensor and the extra ports i can use for head rotate and tilt a...
14 year 5 2533
Arduino module? [5]
i see there is 2 boards DIECIMLA BOARD AND THE ONE YOU REFERENCE TO DUEMILANOVE,so Steven what sketch do i use with both boards...
14 year 8 4773
Arduino module? [7]
thanks Steven,only board i have is UNO and MEGA but MEL from leaf groups asked me about DUEMILANOVA board to help ...
14 year 8 4773
Arduino 2560 [5]
CHRIS this may work,disconnect the MEGA board and start roborealm,then open the arduino robo file,it should open o...
14 year 5 2813
module on I2C  buss [6]
Steven on the mosquitIO board i see I2C connection can be done like in the serializer board,since i have the board...
14 year 5 2533
Arduino module? [9]
thanks alot STEVEN ,will try that ,good idea arduino is easy to learn...
14 year 8 4773
about a new module [4]
thanks Steven,mostlikely its comming from canada as soon as the module is made will buy another year of roborealm ...
12 year 3 2086
Steven, any chance soon having a module for the arduino board looks kinda simple since SOR AXON board is close to ...
14 year 5 4688
about a new module [2]
Steven have you look at DJSURES EZ-ROBOT to interface with roborealm ,boards look good with wireless web camera ,voice recogniti...
13 year 3 2342
about a new module [2]
Steven do you when you will be able to have the EZ-ROBOT board interface for roborealm...
12 year 3 2086
about the RPLIDAR
will it work with the neato lidar since its almost the same one or will you make a interface for it...
10 year 4 2699

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