42 posts
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Update - how to? [2]
how can I update my version? Greetings Ulli...
14 year 3 1915
Speak Listbox Index [2]
Hello Steven, please check the Speak Listbox Index. I have more speaker installed and...
12 year 2 2038
RR Webserver and Android [2]
Hello Steven, the video stream running at the RoboRealm webserver via a java plugin. Unfortunately,...
12 year 2 2060
RR problem with new Version [2]
Hello, The new version of RR is don´t running. I have testet the older version from R...
16 year 6 2162
Optical Flow [2]
Hello, is it possible to realize with a visual odometry RR optical flow? Has anyone had experience with it? A computer mouse is ...
14 year 1 2144
Optical Flow [2]
Hello, how can I calculate the data from Optical Flow (Vector X, X or Array Data) Odometry data?
12 year 1 1959
avm.dat file change [2]
Hi EDV and Steven, how can I load a different *.dat file, eg to open different maps? I want to leav...
12 year 3 2682
Hello EDV, the Variable NV_TURRET_LEFT and NV_TURRET_RIGHT works only in map mode? I ...
12 year 2 1953
AVM Map dont work [2]
Hello, I've tried just the avm navigator. I realized that the rotary movement is detected correct...
13 year 38 8113
AVM improvements [2]
Hello, I had the following ideas to improve the AVM Navigator: -> NV_TURRET_RIGHT NV_TURRET_LEFT...
12 year 10 5115
AVM Angle and VB-Script [2]
Hello EDV, the follow code dosn´t work with VB-Script... AVM_angle = G...
12 year 3 2206
AVM Map dont work [7]
Hello EDV, i just do not use the buttons in my Software but my own. Hm, I'll then try again tonigh...
13 year 38 8113
AVM Map dont work [9]
Hello, how can I change the options of AVM Navigator on my program (.NET)? I look in the help that...
13 year 38 8113
AVM Map dont work [11]
It´s great! I test this next days! Many thanks. --- Ull...
13 year 38 8113
AVM Map dont work [12]
Hello, I've just tested the mapping, it worked great, even in poor lighting conditions! It would b...
13 year 38 8113
AVM Map dont work [14]
Another idea would be *. dat files via the API to load. --- Ulli ...
13 year 38 8113
AVM Map dont work [16]
so later, I must rebuild the software yet as it is currently too complicated. it will still take a few weeks :-( ...
13 year 38 8113
AVM Map dont work [17]
I'm now doing to the arrow with simmulieren sendKey when I push my buttons, unfortunately without success. how can I solve the ...
13 year 38 8113
AVM Map dont work [18]
I've tried using SendKeys but something does not work. Unfortunately I'm not so on. hir is my code, the function sendKey I hav...
13 year 38 8113
AVM Map dont work [21]
Hello EDV, somehow can not set the variable...  &n...
13 year 38 8113

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