42 posts
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AVM Map dont work [7]
Hello EDV, i just do not use the buttons in my Software but my own. Hm, I'll then try again tonigh...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [21]
Hello EDV, somehow can not set the variable...  &n...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [36]
Now it works! on the deflection of a vb script program I have been thinking. But the robo file must be different, it may not set...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [2]
Hello, I've tried just the avm navigator. I realized that the rotary movement is detected correct...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [18]
I've tried using SendKeys but something does not work. Unfortunately I'm not so on. hir is my code, the function sendKey I hav...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [33]
okay, now I have the command rr.setVariable ("NV_FORWARD", "-1") placed in a 100ms timer and it seems to work. is that from ...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [17]
I'm now doing to the arrow with simmulieren sendKey when I push my buttons, unfortunately without success. how can I solve the ...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [32]
there are news, if I think of the variable NV_FIRE, NV_LEFT, NV_RIGHT, NV_FORWARD, NV_BACKWARDS, NV_TURRET_LEFT, NV_TURRET_RIGHT...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [16]
so later, I must rebuild the software yet as it is currently too complicated. it will still take a few weeks :-( ...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [31]
And I try to understand: Is there "-1" value before (in front of) AVM module that was transmitted from your application?
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [14]
Another idea would be *. dat files via the API to load. --- Ulli ...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [28]
I do not see that the variable is overwritten NV_FORWARD. I just send my command and look in the variable, NV_FORWARD jumps from...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [12]
Hello, I've just tested the mapping, it worked great, even in poor lighting conditions! It would b...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [27]
before is -1, after 1... ...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [11]
It´s great! I test this next days! Many thanks. --- Ull...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [26]
Now I've started without RoboRealm AVM-Navigator and the variable is -1. Don´t work...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [9]
Hello, how can I change the options of AVM Navigator on my program (.NET)? I look in the help that...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [23]
no matter if I file or not open my program, the variable is always 1 "NV_FORWARD" show picture If I set the variable with "rr...
13 year 38 8105
AVM Map dont work [38]
some new ideas for the map navigator: path names and a list (array) for saved routes eg Kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc. Thi...
13 year 38 8105
AVM improvements
Hello EDV, my old finducial code was to quick and dirty... sorry (horrible) Her is a ...
12 year 10 5110

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