5053 threads
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Spykee arrow key control
I need help controlling my spykee with arrow keys because im trying to use AVM navigator to move it around. Im using the Erector...
10 year 15 2644
PCB pads detect
My first look to this program... It is very interesting! As you suggest to post pictures in the tutorial, I send t...
10 year 3 2987
Can I Import Pre-recorded Video??
Firstly, I am new to this. I am wanting to know if there is a way to import prerecorded video??
10 year 2 1941
FPS drops with multiple cameras housed within if tests modules
We have  three "if test" modules that are used to determine which of three web cameras to display (see attached imag...
10 year 2 1781
Hello, I'm a user of the EZ-Robot and so super excited to see an interface in RoboRealm now. ...
10 year 2 1856
Multiple COG coordinates
Noob question .How do I display the COG coordinates of each of the 3 circles ?Clearly , the RGB filter , once set to (say) green...
10 year 2 1772
VB Script- Constant Global Variables
Hello, I want to figure out a way to be able to assign a global variable in a VB script that remai...
10 year 6 2331
use the roborealm to read DataMatrix
STeven, How are you. I have bought the software and used it to read the information ...
10 year 2 2097
Multiple Geometric Statistics module
Hi, I am trying to perform two sets of geometric analyses in the same pipeline, but am not sure how...
10 year 5 2746
OCR position
Hi, I would like to determine the position of the recognized words by the output of the OCR module....
10 year 3 2324
control robot with static camera
Hello I want to control a robot with a static camera on the ceiling. I want to point ...
10 year 2 1825
Color/texture matching
We need to quality control several different granite colors (reproduced by paint). You can see two examples in th...
10 year 4 2267
Trial period expired
I downloaded the trial version and when I install it on my PC I get an error stating the trial version has expired. Please advis...
10 year 2 1787
FRC Network table issue
Hi Steven, Our team is trying to use network tables, we have been able to send data to the table fo...
10 year 20 7985
Wowee Rovio Control within AVM Navigator
Hi guys, this is my first post so hopefully i'm posting in the correct area. Firstly let me set th...
10 year 3 3249
Drawing a heat map
I need help. I'm trying to take temperature readings and generate a sort of heat map. Something like this:
10 year 3 1750
Bluetooth Connection (w/ LegoNXT) Error
I'm having issues maintaining a connection over bluetooth with my NXT. It was working very well for a week or so, but now the b...
10 year 2 2742
RR not saving
Lately we have an repeating issue that we save the RR file and the changes in the VB scripts are not saved. We are using version...
10 year 3 1744
OCR problem
Hello everybody, Total n00b here trying to get OCR to work but no luck so far. went through a gallo...
10 year 4 2473
Reading an Image exif file
Can RR read the EXIF data from an image?...
10 year 5 3128

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