5053 threads
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Barcode orientation
Hi STeven, Every thing is working real well for decoding the 2d matrix codes.  I'm about...
10 year 3 2673
ini file
Hi STeven, How does one create an ini file to be called when starting RR.  In the API doc...
10 year 4 2023
Multiple Images - then proccessing
Hi RR-team, I'm close to being entirely happy - just one problem remains unsolved - yet.
10 year 2 2778
Barcode decode anomaly
Hi STeven, I'm seeing something when using the barcode decode module.  What I have is an...
10 year 15 3881
2d decode
Hi STeven, Things have been working well with the 2d matrix decode module.  Just got a ne...
10 year 2 2515
Set Frame Rate
Is there a way to set the frame rate to be a constant value.  Either application wide or as a feature of the Distribut...
10 year 4 2623
Crash report on startup
Hi STeven, The message to send a crash report happens every time I open RR.  I have selec...
10 year 2 1909
getVariables error
I've noted the following problem when I request a variable using the API in C#, but the problem applies to the API in general. ...
10 year 4 2035
Email Module MAPI
Hello, I'm trying to setup a simple program to e-mail an image using the MAPI feature in the email...
10 year 2 2888
Arduino Controling Roborealm via serial. (not the other way around)
Hello. I would like to know if thereĀ“s a way of switching between different roborealm behaviours v...
10 year 3 3156
which kind of camera
STeven, How are you. If I  move the camera closer to get a ...
10 year 2 2424
Get distance of multiple Fiducials
Hello, I am currently working on a robot which uses cameras and fiducials on the wall to localize i...
10 year 2 2894
Sending data from roborealm to arduino?
So I setup my iphone to act as a webcam (which actually works fairly well surprisingly).  I setup RR to track the colo...
10 year 2 2644
Find the coordinates at a given distance and bearing
I need to find the GPS Longitude and latitude of the Target. I have my current GPS position ,have calculated the C...
10 year 3 3301
Full screen mode
When I change the zoom level to full screen I just get a black screen. Works fine at all other zoom levels but can...
10 year 2 1718
Youtube Live stream as video source?
Is it possible to somehow select a Youtube live stream as the video source?...
10 year 2 2534
Socket Comminications
Hi STeven, Having some issues trying to communicate to RR via sockets.  I have a new RR s...
10 year 3 2124
Basler Camera II
Hi STeven, it has been awhile.  This is a continuation from a post from last year (see post Basler Camera).  ...
10 year 17 5369
Multi email accounts
Is it possible to have multiple individual  email accounts where any one may be singularly and automatically &nbs...
10 year 4 2714
Start the program in
Hi , Attached cam file is working ok , i can shift the camera picture with PgUp&PgDn .
10 year 2 2991

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