5048 threads
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Flashing light detection
Hi, I am using the movement filter to pick up a flashing light (~1Hz)  which works quite nicely at 7 fps, howe...
17 year 6 3200
Willing to pay for small program
Hello, The RR program seems perfect for what I want to do. I am short on time at the moment...
17 year 5 3599
Logitech Orbit MP
Is there any way to control new Orbit MP PTZ, since old modules cannot recognize it? It alw...
17 year 8 7674
Java socket
I'm trying to get RR to work with Java. I've done all the necessary code to get the socket connected and it is working...
17 year 3 4931
RR closing when deleting item from pipeline
Hello Firstly I would like to congratulate you on a fine and useful piece of software. As a...
17 year 3 3038
Keboard Module Bug?
It seems that there might be a bug with the Keyboard module. Three combinations of keypresses are not sett...
17 year 8 3083
Tears of joy  '  '' ' ''
Oh my gawd!  That is exactly the tool I'm looking for.  For those of you just tuning in it works wo...
17 year 2 2984
Java Socket Programming with Hough_lines
How do I make sense of the data that I get from the variable HOUGH_LINES in Java? I'm using sockets and I get a 1024 va...
17 year 4 3521
Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000 Webcam
I have the Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000 Webcam and the RoboRealm software does not seem to recognize the camera.  ...
17 year 3 3900
No Title
Here are some sample images.  The images were taken without compression using 16mm lenses from two cameras sep...
17 year 1 2962
No Title
seems the images didn't get attached?  trying again......
17 year 0 3609
No Title
Seems the images didn't go through, trying again... ...
17 year 2 3170
Parallel port address questions...
I have a question on what addresses the parallel port control uses. I have it working, but I'm not sure of the reason....
17 year 2 3666
Shape-->Circle Detection algorithm
I tested The shape Circle detection using roborealm and i observed that it was very fast and efficient  and <...
17 year 2 8573
Canny edge detection
Can anyone have canny edge detection source code in visual basic pls mail to me ...
17 year 1 3454
ETA on stereo processing
Hello, I just stumbled upon this project and have a couple questions.  About how...
17 year 6 3825
How do I send out the follwing commond from Roborealm serail control Chr$(255),Chr$(6),Chr$(120)
17 year 3 4266
Multiple Camera outputs
Hi there,                I am a new...
17 year 3 3120
Call external program
Hello, I'm trying to call an external program (to control winamp at the moment) called CLAmp.exe. It does...
17 year 3 3137
Color filter using the color picker...tips?
I have this nice ring of glue that I would like to inspect for foreign material like the black speck at 3 O'clock on th...
17 year 5 3580

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