5045 threads
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Web Server Image Selection
Steve, I noticed that the image from the Web Server is the current image. Can you guys add an optio...
15 year 2 1919
Number of output images
hi i am using RR for colour detection in a video and i am saving those images where a specific colo...
16 year 2 1513
Was wondering if there is a way to log all "IP" addrsses that cinnect to the server when running. Nicer still would be...
16 year 2 1707
Anyone Else Using Logitech Orbit MP With RoboRealm?
I was wondering if anyone else has been tinkering around with RoboRealm and the Logitech Orbit MP? Any one who is intere...
16 year 2 2382
some sort of PWM
hey, i donot know if this is the right place to ask this but i am stuck at a problem.   i am sen...
16 year 2 3091
recommend a USB video capture device?
I want to use a USB video capture device rather than a web cam. I gather that not all USB video capture devices are created equa...
14 year 2 1522
Motor Encoder
Hi everybody, I have a question for you. I want to use a motor with an encoder on it. ...
14 year 2 1616
traffic light identification
hi i am currently working on a traffic light identification problem as part of my final year project.
16 year 2 1590
automatic shutter in roborealm
dear steven..can u help me..can robo real has module that can snap pictures automatically for a period of time a.k.a automatic s...
14 year 2 1942
No Title
Hi, steven Can you create a specilized software for my .robo file, eliminatin...
16 year 2 3042
Windows 98 Compatability
Is there a version of Robo Realm's software that is Windows 98 compatable? The latest version won't run under win 98,...
16 year 2 1983
skin segmentation
hello guys. first off I should say roborealm is a god sent app. I can test a lot of vision processing ideas without goin...
16 year 2 1857
Screen Capture
Hello Steven I am trying to use the screen capture module to read video played by the VLC player....
14 year 2 2481
VBScripting necessary?
Hi, I want to ask that RoboRealm works only with VBScript? Can't i use some other language like C instead of VBSc...
14 year 2 1678
No Title
Ok, I think I'm on to something here........ and so far its not looking to bad... as of yet, within the last few minute...
16 year 2 2553
SSC-32 Win 98 Software ?
Does anyone know of free software similar to RoboRealm's for the Lynxmotion SSC-32 that works w/Win 98?...
16 year 2 1516
Help~ cannot overwrite the chipboard of the robot
What should i do if my code does not overwrite the boe bot robot? is that any solution so that i can troubleshot t...
14 year 2 3573
vbscript in vista
hey there is a thread already about this , but i downloaded the roborealm today but i still cannot use VBscript with vis...
16 year 2 2749
Is Partial Shap Matching possible?
I have filtered out all the background noise and created a black and white image of my hand. ...
16 year 2 1596
Logitec Orbit
I just noticed that you can't control the Zoom function of the orbit using the Logitech_Orbit module..  Is this somet...
15 year 2 1862

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