5051 threads
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Eliminate Distortion When Tracking Targets With Axis Cam
I've been working on this issue for a long time, but just can't seem to get it fixed. When our Axis camera (model m1013) is moun...
8 year 4 2396
Read Text From LED
Hi STeven, Please ignore my previous post as I have some progress these days.
8 year 2 2294
Matching Alpha Numerics with ASCII
Hi STeven,   Just looking for how to match alpha numerics captured by OCR with a provided ASCII string a...
8 year 2 1822
IP camera for FRC
We are relatively new FRC team. We want to use vision processing using RoboRealm. If you have used an IP camera for FRC 2016, I ...
8 year 2 2536
NetworkTables not working on FMS
When connected to the FMS(Field Management System) at a FRC competition several things change in the networking setup. As a resu...
8 year 2 2271
how to access MicaSense multispectral Camera
Hi Steven I just bought a MicaSense multispectral camera which allow me to access its live view via serial pin or ...
8 year 2 1908
How to align image pixels
Hi there I have 5 images capture using multispcetral camera at UAV. ie blue, green, red, NIR, and Red edge respect...
8 year 2 1883
Wrong marker image get via COM API
I'm using roborealm to analyze content of template document (basically one or two barcodes and several X marks on known position...
8 year 2 1901
FRC unused licenses mess
I am the lead mentor for FRC team 272 Lansdale Catholic High School. As usual many folks jumped and we used up all our licenses....
8 year 2 1753
BOE-BOT Enviromental Scan Programming
The robotic platform will be placed dead center of the workspace. Then robot is then required to perform a 360° rotation to scan...
8 year 1 1597
fiducial module - issues getting practical results
Hi guys, I have a personal license and I've just bought a commercial license for a particular appli...
8 year 7 2826
Predicting latency
We are successfully using Roborealm with a winbook 700 tablet and getting great results. We do however have to stop the robot to...
8 year 2 2254
A simple question in a previous VBScript sample
Hi, there! I'm a member of the FRC team 5515, Blue Power, which is also a group from Shanghai, China. So this year we're trying ...
8 year 2 2342
Rotating Camera Image After Modules
Hello, Our team is having a few problems with camera rotation. We recently decided to place the cam...
8 year 3 2292
Speak within an if Statement
Hi, I seem to have a problem with an If statement. When I place Speak within the If statement , no speech is heard...
8 year 2 2340
how to read I2C data in roborealm
I want to use TSL2561 light sensor with RR. How can I read its  I2C data in RR? Sensor has SDA and SCL pins. Can I use...
8 year 2 2398
FRC Nettables
I am having problems with roborealm that I suspect may be a problem with writing to nettables.  Roborealm is hanging a...
8 year 2 2331
Remembering USB Camera
I have a USB Camera working with Roborealm.  When I restart Roborealm the USB camera is sometimes remembered but not a...
8 year 2 2252
Automated mosaicing
Hello there I am looking for a solution that allow automated mosaicing of images using RR. For example, camera gra...
8 year 1 1865
Roborealm on Raspberry PI
Will Roborealm run on a Raspberry PI 2 if the RP2 is running Windows 10 IOT edition?...
8 year 2 2797

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