5045 threads
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Arduino Mega+RoboRealm
Hi all, First, thanks to the guys at RoboRealm for this amazing piece of software. I am a new user...
11 year 5 3492
Arduino Mega-Roborealm Serial Timing Question
I am currently working on a telepresence robot using Roborealm.   From a remote computer, I am able to login to the ro...
8 year 2 1858
Arduino Module Combined with User Code
Steven- The Arduino module works great for my project.  I just have one problem with it.&...
12 year 2 1922
Arduino module?
Downloaded 2.24.0. Where is the Arduino module and what does it do? Thanks for such a great product and support! <...
13 year 8 4484
Arduino Motor Control
Hi, I am working on object tracking, similar to the tutorial Color tracking! But the code written there is for non arduino board...
9 year 12 3588
Arduino PWM
I am trying to set the PWM dutycycle on the Arduino UNO using the Sparkfun_Arduino module in RoboRealm. I need to set if between...
12 year 2 2578
Arduino Uno R3 - Sparkfun
Hello, I am starting experimenting with Arduino Uno R3 and the Sparkfun Arduino interface.
8 year 3 2485
Are camera properties set each frame?
Does the camera properties module transmit the sttings to the camera each frame or does it monitor the last settings and only up...
15 year 2 2536
Area of Multiple Blobs
Hi there, Thanks for the great program you have created! I really appreciate the effort put into it. I would like ...
8 year 6 2415
Area of region
I'm try to use RR to calculate the area of two round, but not exactly circular, regions in an image. By using edge dection (as ...
10 year 5 2673
Areas of Research - Machine Vision Security
Hello, I'm not sure if this is the forum, or even the right website for this post, but I have been using RR for various robotic...
15 year 9 2559
Array Declaration Error
I am getting a Type Mismatch error when declaring an array in VBScropt as follows Dim myArray(29) <...
10 year 2 2043
Array Help
In the VBScript section I retrieved the array that was created by the circles filter, but i am stuck on how to find out...
16 year 19 3704
Array values
Short Question: I Have 2 Line probe. How do I get the values (Array) i...
12 year 2 3322
Hi, Roborealm automatically stores the x an y coordinate of each of the points on the path...
16 year 8 2634
Array Variables
I have a question about assigning values TO an element of an array variable. I have followed the RR...
7 year 1 2022
Arrow position
Hello all, I'm trying to use rr to detect the arrows position on the target like in the image attached.
16 year 1 2489
How do I send out the follwing commond from Roborealm serail control Chr$(255),Chr$(6),Chr$(120)
17 year 3 4142
assign xyz axis
Hi, Can Roborealm assign new reference axis. For example, I have 2 objects. Object1 axis is 0,0,0...
12 year 12 6327
Associating .robo files with roborealm
Hi STeven, Just a quick mail to say that it seems to be a problem that when I try and click...
16 year 2 2489

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