5048 threads
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RobotC firmware support in LEGO NXT Module
     Hello that so, a greeting for all the users of RoboRealm, only I wanted to raise...
17 year 1 4091
'while' loop in VBScript Program
What is the right way of coding a 'while loop' in the VBScript Program? I would like the program to wait (loop) while...
17 year 4 8187
Timer values
I would like to know the time between the two event's (e.g. mouse clicks). Is there a feature like 'Timer' available...
17 year 2 3250
Blob selection with mouse
Hi, I would like to track a blob on the screen. But I would like to choose which of the blo...
17 year 4 3064
Problem with Horizontal Mirror and COG
The video source that I  use is reflected horizontally, so I use Horizontal Mirror Module to correct this defe...
17 year 2 2853
Execute program
dear Mr Steven, 1) As u told me i create an exe file in Q-Basic and save it in desktop......and when i dou...
17 year 14 5952
Running Roborealm
This is very basic, but i am stuck. I downloaded the current version a couple of days ago a...
17 year 12 3777
Serial comms hang application
I am trying to track a color, in fact I can track a color but when I open the serial port the FPS drops below 1 and I lo...
17 year 4 2880
Minimum requirements
What are the bare minimum requirements that are needed to run Roborealm? I.E...Memory, processor, HD space....
17 year 5 3513
fire fighting robot
dear steven, I am implementing a camera on my fire fighting robot I wish to communicate with...
17 year 5 3329
API Server, missing filters
I am trying to use the Api server within my csharp program. However when i am trying to execute my filter...
17 year 2 2916
I'm hoping to run RoboRealm on an 800 MHz VIA C3 Mini-ITX motherboard.  You said that your 'bucketbot' was...
17 year 2 2758
Floor finding crash
Hi, Steve I try to use floor finding module and COG together. But it crashed after few minu...
17 year 5 2697
step by step to install and controlling usb missile pls
Hi,   please, guide me step by step to use roborealm.exe and another programs in this site to in...
17 year 2 2991
Just thought id give another suggestion for use of this software... http://www.pages.drexel...
17 year 1 2962
Flood fill...?
When I use the flood fill feature under the colour menu, it creates a solid band of colour (usually black) at the top of...
17 year 5 2857
SetTimedVariable_ Have anynoe used it?
RoboRealm Rules. Have anyone tried the SetTimedVariable statement??
17 year 3 3065
Create a copy of an image or Shape in VB6
Hi all, I need to build an application that will act as a tool for modeling Agent based sys...
17 year 1 3537
can I use any stepper motor controller circuit
Hi, I  planning to build a USB Missle Launcher, but I want to mak...
17 year 6 7073
Frame Rate Performance
Hi RR Experts, I would like to know if there is anything I can do to improve the frame rate...
17 year 1 2742

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